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Neuvisys Project

The Neuvisys project stands for Neuromorphic Vision System. It is a library offering access to a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) with different possible kinds of neurons. The library is written in c++. It can be launched with command lines or via a Qt gui. There is also a possible connection with the Coppeliasim simulator, also known as V-REP, via a ROS interface.



  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • HDF5

Neuvisys uses libraries such as Eigen, a json parser, cnpy and caer all linked locally from src/dependencies


To install Opencv: sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv


To install HDF5: sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev

The HDF5 format is used to store event files, that can then be used by the network. The format should be as follows:

  • a group named "events"
  • 5 dataset in that group: "t" for timestamps, "x" for pixel width axis, "y" for pixel height axis, "p" for polarities and "c" for camera (0 for left camera, 1 for right camera).

Event Based Cameras

To connect to event based cameras, and use the SNN live, you need to install caer:

The libcaer can be downloaded from


install QT 5 with the Qt Charts module:

sudo apt install qt5-default sudo apt install libqt5charts5-dev

Coppeliasim / ROS

Download and install the Coppeliasim framework:

There is 3 available versions, player, edu and pro. Player is enough to work with neuvisys, but you will not be able to save the scene if you change it.

Install ROS Noetic (Other ROS distribution might work, but this is uncertain):

It is advised to use the Desktop-Full Install, though other lighter version may also work.

Neuvisys libraries

By default, only the neuvisys library core is compiled. There is four more libraries that adds functionnality:

  • Camera: allows the connection to event based camera thanks to caer. With it activated, you can then use event based cameras and feed the events directly to the SNN in real time.
  • Simulator: allows the connection to Coppeliasim. With it activated, you can create complex environments and simulate event based cameras outputs, and feed it to the SNN in real time.
  • Motor control: allows the connection with Faulhaber Brushless motors. With it activated, you can pilot the motors in real time.
  • GUI: allows the use of a graphical user interface.


To compile the Neuvisys library, in the root folder:

  • Run mkdir build, cd build, cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

If you want to use some of the abovementioned functionnalities, you can compile them with:

  • cmake -DBUILD_CAMERA=ON -DBUILD_SIMULATOR=ON -DBUILD_MOTOR_CONTROL=ON -DBUILD_GUI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. (put OFF on the functionnalities you do not want to use and compile).

The core neuvisys library does not need any installation requirements except OPENCV. But adding more functionnalities means installing the adequate libraries (see Requirements section).

If there is some errors, you may have to install the following python packages: pip install empy pip install catkin-pkg

  • Run make -j to compile all targets


  • Run make [target-name] to compile only one target. possible targets are:
  • neuvisys-exe is the command line executable.
  • event-camera is a module to connect an event based camera (davis by default).
  • neuvisys-simulator is an executable that connects to Coppeliasim via ROS.
  • neuvisys-qt is similar to neuvisys but with an added Qt interface.

Compiled target are found in the "build/src" folder.

An example of use with the neuvisys-exe target:

  • ./neuvisys-exe [m_networkPath] [eventPath] [nbPass]

m_networkPath correspond to the path of the network structure. This must link to the network config file, such as: ./network/configs/network_config.json.

eventPath is the relative path to an event file in the .npz format.

nbPass is the number of times the events will be presented to the network.

Create empty Network

You can generate an empty spiking network ready to use from:

  • Run cd build, ./neuvisys-exe [networkDirectory]

The parameters will be set to their default values, but you can change them afterwards using the gui or directly via the json config files.

Quick dev guide

Here is a quick guide to use the snn in your c++ code:

#include "src/network/NetworkHandle.hpp"

std::string m_networkPath = "/path/to/network_folder/";

Creates an empty network folder at the given path with a default configuration. You can modify the configurations stored in the configs folder (refer to the Configuration part).

std::string eventsPath = "/path/to/events.h5";
NetworkHandle network(m_networkPath, eventsPath);

Defines the path to the event file and creates the network. This might take a while depending on the number of layers, neurons and connections.

std::vector<Event> events;
while (network.loadEvents(events, 1)) {

Load the events chunk by chunk from the event file and feed them to the network., 1);

Save the network weights and other information to the network folder.

#include "src/network/NetworkHandle.hpp"

std::string m_networkPath = "/path/to/network_folder/";

std::string eventsPath = "/path/to/events.h5";
NetworkHandle network(m_networkPath + "configs/network_config.json", eventsPath);

std::vector<Event> events;
while (network.loadEvents(events, 1)) {
}, 1);

Configuration guide

The network parameters are saved in json configuration files:

  • network_config.json : describes the network architecture, number of layers, neurons, types of newStaticInhibitoryEvent...
  • simple_cell_config.json : simple neuron parameters
  • complex_cell_config.json : complex neuron parameters
  • critic_cell_config.json : critic neuron parameters
  • actor_cell_config.json : actor neuron parameters

List of configuration parameters with explanation

[] : defines the range/type of the parameter

() : indicates that this a list, with one parameter for each layer.

Network config

parameter name type range explanation
nbCameras integer [1, 2] for mono or stereo applications.
neuron1Synapses integer [1 - inf] number of synapses between the pixel array and the first layer
sharingType string ["none", "patch", "full"] type of weight sharing. "none" = no weight sharing, "patch" = weights shared between patches/regions of neurons, "full" = weights shared among all network (even if there is multiple pacthes)
<<<<<<< HEAD
neuronType list string (["SimpleCell", "ComplexCell", "CriticCell", "ActorCell"], ...) type of neuron used for each layer
inhibitions list string (["none", "static", "topdown", "lateral"], ...) type of newStaticInhibitoryEvent
interConnections list integer ([0 - inf], ...) indicates to which layer the indicated one is connected to. The first layer is the layer 0 and is always connected to the pixel array (-1)
patches list of integer (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) x, y and z coordinates of the patches
sizes list of integer (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) width, height and depth of each neuronal layer
layerCellTypes list string (["SimpleCell", "ComplexCell", "CriticCell", "ActorCell"], ...) type of neuron used for each layer
layerInhibitions list string (["none", "static", "topdown", "lateral"], ...) type of newStaticInhibitoryEvent
interLayerConnections list integer ([0 - inf], ...) indicates to which layer the indicated one is connected to. The first layer is the layer 0 and is always connected to the pixel array (-1)
layerPatches list of integer (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) x, y and z coordinates of the patches
layerSizes list of integer (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) width, height and depth of each neuronal layer

origin/surround-suppression | neuronSizes | list of integer | (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) | width, height and depth of the neurons receptive fields | | neuronOverlap | list of integer | (([0 - inf], [0 - inf], [0 - inf]), ...) | x, y and z overlap between neuronal receptive fields | | nu | real | [0 - inf] | learning rate for computing the td-error | | V0 | real | [-inf - +inf] | Base value for the td error | | tauR | real | [-inf - +inf] | discount factor (ms) | | explorationFactor | real | [-inf - +inf] | percent of random action we take at the beginning of the rl task | | actionRate | integer | [0 - inf] | time between 2 actions (ms) | | minActionRate | integer | [0 - inf] | minimum time between 2 actions (ms) | | decayRate | real | [0 - inf] | rate of decay of the actionRate and explorationFactor (bigger means faster decay) |

Simple cell config

"VTHRESH", 30}, "VRESET", -20}, "TRACKING", "partial"}, "TAU_SRA", 100}, "TAU_RP", 30}, "TAU_M", 18}, "TAU_LTP", 7}, "TAU_LTD", 14}, "TARGET_SPIKE_RATE", 0.75}, "SYNAPSE_DELAY", 0}, "STDP_LEARNING", "excitatory"}, "NORM_FACTOR", 4}, "DECAY_RATE", 0}, "MIN_THRESH", 4}, "ETA_LTP", 0.0077}, "ETA_LTD", -0.0021}, "ETA_ILTP", 7.7}, "ETA_ILTD", -2.1}, "ETA_SRA", 0.6}, "ETA_TA", 0}, "ETA_RP", 1}, "ETA_INH", 20},

Complex cell config

"VTHRESH", 3}, "VRESET", -20}, "TRACKING", "partial"}, "TAU_M", 20}, "TAU_LTP", 20}, "TAU_LTD", 20}, "TAU_RP", 30}, "STDP_LEARNING", "excitatory"}, "NORM_FACTOR", 10}, "DECAY_RATE", 0}, "ETA_LTP", 0.2}, "ETA_LTD", 0.2}, "ETA_INH", 15}, "ETA_RP", 1},

Critic cell config

"VTHRESH", 2}, "VRESET", -20}, "TRACKING", "partial"}, "TAU_M", 20}, "ETA_INH", 0}, "TAU_LTP", 7}, "TAU_LTD", 14}, "ETA_LTP", 0.077}, "ETA_LTD", -0.021}, "NORM_FACTOR", 10}, "DECAY_RATE", 0}, "STDP_LEARNING", "all"}, "NU_K", 200}, "MIN_NU_K", 100}, "TAU_K", 50}, "MIN_TAU_K", 25}, "TAU_E", 500}, "ETA", 0.2}

Actor cell config

"VTHRESH", 2}, "VRESET", -20}, "TRACKING", "partial"}, "TAU_M", 20}, "ETA_INH", 0}, "TAU_LTP", 7}, "TAU_LTD", 14}, "ETA_LTP", 0.077}, "ETA_LTD", -0.021}, "NORM_FACTOR", 10}, "DECAY_RATE", 0}, "STDP_LEARNING", "all"}, "TAU_E", 250}, "ETA", 0.2}


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