Blackout is a Git VCS tool for rewriting commit history to hide sensitive information. It was built with libgit2, a low-level C implementation of Git core methods, far beneath even the foundational Git plumbing. This is advantageous because it helps to maximize time and space efficiency, as parsing through blob trees for each node in the commit DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is very expensive, especially for large repositories.
Build Blackout with Make:
make clean
sudo make install
sudo make uninstall
This is the core functionality of Blackout. Pass the target and replacement strings as CLI arguments, and it replaces all instances of the string in the entire Git commit history:
blackout 'apikey123' '******'
Ashish D'Souza - @computer-geek64
The current stable release for Blackout is v1.0.0
This project uses the Git Version Control System (VCS).
This project is licensed under the MIT License.