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A boa

In this assignment you'll implement a small language called Boa, which has binary operators and conditionals. You'll use an A-Normal Form conversion to make binary operator compilation easy, and compile if via jmp instructions.


  • The counter for generated variable names is not reset before each call to anf, which can make testing with tanf a little odd, since variables keep incrementing. If you want to have the counter reset before each call to anf, you can change the body of the anf function to be:

      count := 0;
      anf_k e (fun imm -> ACExpr(CImmExpr(imm)))
  • The arguments to assert_equal in tanf are backwards relative to how OUnit reports the expected and actual values. To get more useful error reports, change the body of tanf from

    assert_equal (anf program) expected ~printer:string_of_aexpr;;


    assert_equal expected (anf program) ~printer:string_of_aexpr;;
  • An early version of this assignment described if as taking the then branch when the conditional was equal to 0. It should take the else branch when the conditional is equal to 0, just like in C.

The Boa Language

As usual, there are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile.

  • A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes

  • A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.

  • The semantics—or description of the behavior—of the abstrac syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.

In boa, the second step is broken up into two:

  • A description of the user-facing abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses, translated directly from the concrete syntax.

  • A description of the compiler-facing abstract syntax – in this case, the aexpr, cexpr, and immexpr datatypes, which are translated from the user-facing abstract syntax.

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Boa is:

<expr> :=
  | let <bindings> in <expr>
  | if <expr>: <expr> else: <expr>
  | <binop-expr>

<binop-expr> :=
  | <number>
  | <identifier>
  | add1(<expr>)
  | sub1(<expr>)
  | <expr> + <expr>
  | <expr> - <expr>
  | <expr> * <expr>
  | ( <expr> )

<bindings> :=
  | <identifier> = <expr>
  | <identifier> = <expr>, <bindings>

As in Adder, a let expression can have one or more bindings.

Abstract Syntax


The abstract syntax of Boa is an OCaml datatype, and corresponds nearly one-to-one with the concrete syntax. Here, we've added E prefixes to the constructors, which will distinguish them from the ANF forms later.

type prim1 =
  | Add1
  | Sub1

type prim2 =
  | Plus
  | Minus
  | Times

type expr =
  | ELet of (string * expr) list * expr
  | EPrim1 of prim1 * expr
  | EPrim2 of prim2 * expr * expr
  | EIf of expr * expr * expr
  | ENumber of int
  | EId of string


The compiler-facing abstract syntax of Boa splits the above expressions into three categories

type immexpr =
  | ImmNumber of int
  | ImmId of string

and cexpr =
  | CPrim1 of prim1 * immexpr
  | CPrim2 of prim2 * immexpr * immexpr
  | CIf of immexpr * aexpr * aexpr
  | CImmExpr of immexpr

and aexpr =
  | ALet of string * cexpr * aexpr
  | ACExpr of cexpr


Numbers, unary operators, let-bindings, and ids have the same semantics as before. Binary operator expressions evaluate their arguments and combine them based on the operator. If expressions behave similarly to if statements in C: first, the conditional (first part) is evaluated. If it is 0, the else branch is evaluated. Otherwise, the then branch is evaluated.



# as an expr

EPrim1(Sub1, ENum(5))

# evaluates to

if 5 - 5: 6 else: 8

# as an expr

EIf(EPrim2(Minus, ENum(5), ENum(5)), ENum(6), ENum(8))

# evaluates to

let x = 10, y = 9 in
if (x - y) * 2: x else: y

# as an expr

ELet([("x", ENum(10)), ("y", ENum(9))],
  EIf(EPrim2(Times, EPrim2(Minus, EId("x"), EId("y")), ENum(2)),

Implementing Boa

New Assembly Instructions

As usual, full summaries of the instructions we use are at this assembly guide.

  • IMul of arg * arg — Multiply the left argument by the right argument, and store in the left argument (typically the left argument is eax for us)

    Example: mul eax, 4

  • ILabel of string — Create a location in the code that can be jumped to with jmp, jne, and other jump commands

    Example: this_is_a_label:

  • ICmp of arg * arg — Compares the two arguments for equality. Set the condition code in the machine to track if the arguments were equal, or if the left was greater than or less than the right. This information is used by jne and other conditional jump commands.

    Example: cmp [esp-4], 0

    Example: cmp eax, [esp-8]

  • IJne of string — If the condition code says that the last comparison (cmp) was given equal arguments, do nothing. If it says that the last comparison was not equal, immediately start executing instructions from the given string label (by changing the program counter).

    Example: jne this_is_a_label

  • IJe of string — Like IJne but with the jump/no jump cases reversed

  • IJmp of string — Unconditionally start executing instructions from the given label (by changing the program counter)

    Example: jmp always_go_here

Combining cmp and Jumps for If

When compiling an if expression, we need to execute exactly one of the branches (and not accidentally evaluate both!). A typical structure for doing this is to have two labels: one for the else case and one for the end of the if expression. So the compiled shape may look like:

  cmp eax, 0    ; check if eax is equal to 0
  je else_branch
  ; commands for then branch go here
  jmp end_of_if
  ; commands for else branch go here

Note that if we did not put jmp end_of_if after the commands for the then branch, control would continue and evaluate the else branch as well. So we need to make sure we skip over the else branch by unconditionally jumping to end_of_if.

Creating New Names on the Fly

In both ANF and when creating labels, we can't simply use the same identifier names and label names over and over. The assembler will get confused if we have nested if expressions, because it won't know which end_of_if to jmp to, for example. So we need some way of generating new names that we know won't conflict.

You've been provided with a function gen_temp (meaning “generate temporary”) that takes a string and appends the value of a counter to it, which increases on each call. You can use gen_temp to create fresh names for labels and variables, and be guaranteed the names won't overlap as long as you use base strings don't have numbers at the end.

For example, when compiling an if expression, you might call gen_temp twice, once for the else_branch label, and once for the end_of_if label. This would produce output more like:

  cmp eax, 0    ; check if eax is equal to 0
  je else_branch1
  ; commands for then branch go here
  jmp end_of_if2
  ; commands for else branch go here

And if there were a nested if expression, it might have labels like else_branch3 and end_of_if4.

Implementing ANF

Aside from conditionals, the other major thing you need to do in the implementation of Boa is add an implementation of ANF to convert the user-facing syntax to the ANF syntax the compiler uses. A few cases—EIf, EPrim1, and ENumber—are done for you. You should study these in detail and understand what's going on.

There is a detailed write up on the course page that describes how to think of implementing ANF in some detail, and gives examples of the pieces of the implementation.

A Note on Scope

For this assignment, you can assume that all variables have different names. That means in particular you don't need to worry about nested instances of variables with the same name, duplicates within a list, etc. The combination of these with anf causes some complications that go beyond our goals for this assignment.

Testing Functions

As before, t and te test the compiler end-to-end, checking for answers and errors, respectively.

There are two new testing functions you can use as well:

  • ta – This takes an aexpr and an expected answer as a string, and compiles and runs the aexpr using your compiler. This is useful if you want to, for instance, test binary operators in your compiler before you are confident that the ANF transformation works.
  • tanf – This takes a expr and an aexpr and calls anf on the expr with {fun ie -> ACExpr(CImmExpr(ie)), and checks that the result is equal to the provided @tt{aexpr}. You can use this to test your ANF directly, to make sure it's producing the constrained expression you expect, before you try compiling it.

Recommended TODO List

Here's an order in which you could consider tackling the implementation:

  1. Fill in the ImmId case in the compiler. This will let you run things like sub1(sub1(5)) and other nested expressions.
  2. Write some tests for the input and output of nested EPrim1 expressions in tanf, to understand what the ANF transformation looks like on those examples.
  3. Finish the CIf case in the compiler, so you can run simple programs with if. This includes the pretty-printing for the comparison and jump instructions, etc.
  4. Write some tests for the input and output of performing anf on EIf expressions, again to get a feel for what the transformation looks like.
  5. Work through both the anf implementation and the compiler implementation of Prim2. Write tests as you go.
  6. Work through both the anf implementation and the compiler implementation of ELet. Write tests as you go.

Handing In

A complete implementation of ANF and the compiler is due Wednesday, February 17, at 11:59pm.


The Binary Operator Arithmetic compiler.






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