This is an example project to test the possibilities of the Kotlin multiplatform technology. It takes a name, birthday and gender and calculate a random monthly insurance cost. It targets android, iOS and web.
Feel free to try it yourself
If you don't have an android sdk, you can build the application without it, using: ./gradlew build -PskipAndroid
- make sure you have an Android SDK installed
- Open the project
- create and add a file
in the root directory of the project:
- look under TODOs and change the url for the server call in
- Run
./gradlew build
- start the server with:
./gradlew :server:run
run : :server:build -PskipAndroid
- Create a run configuration of type "Android App"
- Select module "app" in the run configuration settings
- run the configuration
- start the server with:
./gradlew :server:run
- Open the XCode project under
- Run it as normal
- build the website with:
./gradlew :web:build
- start with:
./gradlew :web:webpack-run
First you have to adjust the url for the server call:
look under TODOs and change the url for the server call in
There a Tests in the common and the commonClient module. To run the Test use:
At the moment the tests for js are disabled, because mockk for JS is not ready yet for coroutines.
- Gradle - Dependency Management
- Ktor
- kotlin-Wrappers - kotlin-react, kotlin-react-com for the web
- mockK - mocking library
This project is licensed under the MIT License