This is a demo powering the live Twitter streaming dashboard. This is an active collaboration between UNC Chapel Hill Computer Science, IBM Watson, and UNC Basketball's GoHeels Media team.
Uses Vue.js as client, Twitter API for streaming, Watson Tone Analyzer, redis chacheing for RSS feed, and to tie server and client.
$ git clone
$ cd vue-twitter-stream-app
$ cp server/.env.example server/.env
$ yarn
Now fill in your credentials in server/.env
and run yarn start
Primary development team: Victor Cui, Greer Glenn, Amogh Sharma, Michael Gu
Our app depends on:
- Vue as a front-end framework.
- Express with twit for the server.
- for realtime websockets.
- for cache storage to produce RSS feed (found at /rss route)
- Twitter API for live data.
- Highcharts for visualizations.
- Materialize for styling.
- Material icons and Icons8 Flat Color Icons for icons.