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OAVA EMS Integration (could merge register checker here later)

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❗ The EMS facing specification for the Postal and Proxy Vote API can be found at: src/main/resources/openapi/EMSIntegrationAPIs.yaml


Spring Boot microservice that :

  • Consumes approved/rejected Postal and Proxy vote application SQS message from EROP and saved into the database
  • Exposes secured REST APIs to get and delete approved Postal / Proxy vote applications
  • Publishes SQS messages for each deleted application

Developer Setup

Kotlin API Developers

Configure your IDE with the code formatter (ktlint):

$ ./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea

This only needs doing once to set up your IDE with the code styles.

AWS CodeArtifact Access Set Up

To access libraries stored in the AWS CodeArtifact repository an access token is required that the build script fetches in the background using the credentials for the code-artifact profile. To create this profile on your developer machine follow these instructions:

aws configure --profile code-artifact

At the prompts configure the code-artifact profile as follows:

  • Your AWS Access Key ID (in Keeper)
  • Your AWS Secret Access Key (in Keeper)
  • Default region name, eu-west-2
  • Default output format, json

Note: AWS CLI must be installed on the developer workstation as a pre-requisite.

Integration Test Development

Integration tests use TestContainers to manage Docker containers, to reduce development time of writing IT tests it is recommended to reuse running containers so that the only need to be set up once for the session. After development is completed the Docker containers must be manually tidied up.

To enable TestContainer reuse ensure your home directory has a file named and includes: testcontainers.reuse.enable=true


The integration tests use wiremock to stub REST API integrations with external dependencies. To log the request data that was sent to wiremock (and therefore the request data that would be sent in a real integration), set the environment variable logWiremockRequests to true. This can either be a system environment variable, or put it in application-test.yml

Sample output:

POST https://localhost:49761/dwp-api/citizen-information/oauth2/token
User-Agent: ReactorNetty/1.0.23
Host: localhost:49761
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 85


Running Tests

$ ./gradlew check

This will run the tests and ktlint. (Be warned, ktlint will hurt your feelings!)

Building docker images

$ ./gradlew check bootBuildImage

This will build a docker image for the Spring Boot application.

Running the application

See docker/

Alternatively, either ./gradlew bootRun or run the class EmsIntegrationApiApplication

TODO: establish what env vars are actually needed...

External Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be set in order to run the application:

  1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - the AWS access key ID
  2. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - the AWS secret access key
  3. AWS_REGION - the AWS region
  4. CLOUD_AWS_SQS_ENDPOINT - optional environment variable used to override the SQS endpoint URI. Primarily

MYSQL Configuration

For local setup refer to src/main/resources/db/readme.

  • MYSQL_PASSWORD - only used locally or when running tests

Infrastructure overrides

The following are overridden by the task definition in AWS:

  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL - This is set to the deployed RDS URL.
  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_READONLYURL - This is set to the reader node RDS URL.
  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_DRIVERCLASSNAME - This is overridden to use the AWS Aurora MySQL JDBC Driver.
  • SPRING_LIQUIBASE_DRIVERCLASSNAME - This is overridden to use the AWS Aurora MySQL JDBC Driver.
  • SQS_PROXY_APPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME - This is overridden to use the actual queue name for the approved/rejected proxy application.
  • SQS_POSTAL_APPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME - This is overridden to use the actual queue name for the approved/rejected postal application.
  • SQS_DELETED_PROXY_APPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME - This is overridden to use the actual queue name for the deleted proxy application.
  • SQS_DELETED_POSTAL_APPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME - This is overridden to use the actual queue name for the deleted postal application.
  • REQUEST_HEADER_CLIENT_CERT_SERIAL - the name of the request header to set the serial number, must present in every api request except health check
  • DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE - The default page size if a GET request did not pass the page size parameter
  • MAX_PAGE_SIZE - This is the maximum number of records can be fetched by the application.
  • API_ERO_MANAGEMENT_URL - the base URL of the ERO Management REST API service.
  • API_IER_BASE_URL - the base URL of the IER REST API service.
  • API_IER_STS_ASSUME_ROLE - the IAM role in IER's AWS subscription that should be assumed in order to invoke IER REST API services.
  • CODEC_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB - Override default memory (256KB) with a higher value to support applications with signature byte array

Liquibase Configuration

  • LIQUIBASE_CONTEXT Contexts for liquibase scripts. For local setup use ddl.

Authentication and authorisation

Requests are authenticated by the presence of a signed cognito JWT as a bearer token in the HTTP request authorization header.
EG: Authorization: Bearer xxxxxyyyyyyzzzzz.....
Requests are authorised by their membership of groups and roles carried on the JWT token.
The UI application is expected to handle the authentication with cognito and pass the JWT token in the authorization header.

Test Liquibase Rollbacks

To test liquibase rollbacks try the following steps.

  1. build a docker image based on the previous git commit.
  2. remove docker containers and the docker_mysql-data docker volume
  3. run start-docker to create the database and apply all previous changesets
  4. having defined your new databaseChangeLog file, edit db.changelog-master.xml to comment out all references to other databaseChangeLog files
  5. cd to your src/main/resources/db/changelog directory
  6. define a file, as shown below
  7. to apply your latest DB changes execute $LIQUIBASE_HOME/liquibase --log-level debug --contexts=ddl update
  8. verify your DB changes are as expected
  9. to rollback your latest DB changes execute $LIQUIBASE_HOME/liquibase --log-level debug --contexts="ddl" rollback-to-date '2022-08-23 15:17:13' filling in the appropriate date from the DATABASECHANGELOG.DATEEXECUTED column
  10. verify your DB changes are again as expected

A sample file

changelog-file: db.changelog-master.xml
driver: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ems_integration_application
username: root
password: rootPassword
classpath: /home/valtech/IdeaProjects/eip/eip-ero-ems-integration-api/src/main/resources/db/changelog/mysql-connector-java-8.0.29.jar
The SSL handshake works as follows:
  • server presents its certificate
  • client trusts the server certificate by virtue of the public CA that signed the server certificate being in its default trust store (JVM's default cacerts)
  • server requests the client certificate that is signed by the CA chain that DWP hold for our service (DWP's SSL Context has been configured with the signing CA for our client certificate)
  • client presents a certificate from it's KeyStore that is signed by the requested CA
  • server trusts the client certificate


OAVA EMS Integration (could merge register checker here later)






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