This project creates a word document of the Rough Sleeping Data Framework publication that is used to create a word document to review before publication.
Access on the DAP to folder Q:\ASCT\P005 Homelessness\008 Rough Sleeping
Check (and update if required) the input path. It should be using the most recently generated publication tables,
input_path <- "Q:/ASCT/P005 Homelessness/008 Rough Sleeping/RS MI R/New monthly tables script/Git_Version/Publication_tables/Publication_tablesXXXXXX.xlsx
(To find the name of the most recent table look in Q:\ASCT\P005 Homelessness\008 Rough Sleeping\RS MI R\New monthly tables script\Git_Version\Publication_tables))
In the console run the following 3 steps;
create_markdown_hfm(input_path = "Q:/ASCT/P005 Homelessness/008 Rough Sleeping/RS MI R/New monthly tables script/Git_Version/Publication_tables/202X_XX/Publication_tablesXXXXXX.xlsx")
(Replace the XXXXXX with the name of the most recent tables, this should match the input path)
The word document output will be located in Q:\ASCT\P005 Homelessness\008 Rough Sleeping\RS MI R\New monthly tables script\Git_Version\Publication_word