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How to run the smoke tests

The following environment variables have to be defined to run the tests:

$ AUTH_URL=<auth url>
$ API_URL=<api url>
$ CLIENT_ID=<client id>
$ CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>
$ PROJECT_KEY=<project key>

Run the smoke tests as docker container:

$ docker run -it --rm -e AUTH_URL -e API_URL -e CLIENT_ID -e CLIENT_SECRET -e PROJECT_KEY

Docker set up (sbt-native-packager)

Create a local docker image:

# sbt docker:publishLocal

Publishing a docker image

We publish images to the public CTP docker registry on google cloud.

Automatic publishing

The CI pipeline automatically publishes a docker image for each PR and for main.

Docker images are tagged with the git commit and the git branch.

The CI pipeline uses:

Manually publish an image

To manually publish an image, we need permissions to do so.

Those permissions are managed in ops-terraform.

# set up permissions to push to the goole repository (has to be done only once)
$ gcloud auth configure-docker

$ sbt docker:publish

External libraries


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