This repo is no longer maintained. I am keeping it around for reference for devs that want to write some groovy.
Instructions for setting up this Jenkins pipeline library which will query GitHub for the corresponding commit payload, save the commit author as an environment variable which is then used in the Slack notifier which posts messages as a bot user to your build-log slack channel.
- Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 1.0
- HTTP Request Plugin 1.8.22
These instructions are intended to assist in setting up this Jenkins pipeline library.
Create a Jenkins credential (type: secret text) which contains a GitHub PAT
Create a Slack app
- Create a bot user
- Create a Jenkins credential (type: secret text)
- ID: slack-token
- Secret: Bot User OAuth Access Token from the Slack app you created
Fork this repo to your own GitHub account or GitHub organization
- Update all of the configuration properties in Config.groovy
- For GITHUB_TOKEN_CRED_ID you will need to use the credential id you made in step 1
- Update all of the configuration properties in Config.groovy
Configure Jenkins
- In Jenkins instance, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and scroll down to the Global Pipeline Libraries section
- Key Configuration settings
- Default version: master
- Load implicitly: False
- Allow default version to be overridden: True
- Include @Library changes in job recent changes: True
- Retrieval method: Modern SCM
- Source Code Management: GitHub
- Credentials: Use the credential id you made in step 1
- Owner: coltenkrauter (typically this is your orginazation or username)
- Repository: jenkins-library
- Behaviors: Discover branches, all branches
- Of course, save the changes
Import the library into groovy files
- Add this to the top of files your Jenkinsfile
#!/usr/bin/env groovy @Library("jenkins-library@master") import hudson.model.*; env.BUILD_START = new Date(); env.SUCCESS = "true";
- Add this to the top of files your Jenkinsfile
Checkout Jenkinsfile for a usage example.