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Adding new building attribute fields

Mike Simpson edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 1 revision

This document is a checklist for adding a new building attribute to the system. It's split into three sections - actions that apply when adding any field, and additional steps to add a field that will be visualised on the map. The second section would be required when adding a new category or when changing which field should be visualised for a category. The third section would apply to any data which can be amended via the API. When adding a new attribute a set of seed data should be identified, the base data set for many fields is Polly Hudsons PhD data set. This data set is required to;

  • Test visualisation elements (map styling)
  • Provide some data for users to relate to and encourage them to fill in the field
  • Test the API and database elements.

Adding any attribute

In database

  1. Add a column to the buildings table in the database.
  2. Add any check constraints or foreign key constraints on the column, if necessary (if the foreign key constraint is used to restrict the column to a set of values, the table with the values might need to be created from scratch)
  3. If a source is being collected for field. Add a column fieldName_source to the sources table.
  4. If verification is being enabled. Add a column bieldName_verifications to the verfication table.


  1. Add field name to BUILDING_FIELD_WHITELIST in the building service to allow saving changes to the field
  2. Add any special domain logic for processing updates to the field in the processBuildingUpdate() function

In frontend

  1. Add the field description to the dataFields object in data_fields.ts
  2. Add the data entry React component of the appropriate type (text, numeric etc) to the appropriate category view component in the building/data-containers folder. Link to dataFields for static string values (field name, description etc)

In data extracts

  1. Add the field to the select list in the COPY query in maintenance/extract_data/export_attributes.sql
  2. Add a description of the field to the README.txt file

Adding an attribute which is used to colour the map

All steps from the previous section need to be carried out first.

In tileserver

  1. Add a SQL query for calculating the value to be visualised to BUILDING_LAYER_DEFINITIONS in app/src/tiles/dataDefinition.ts
  2. Add Mapnik rendering style in app/map_styles/polygon.xml

In frontend

  1. Update the category to field name mapping in the tilesetByCat object inside the ColouringMap React component (map.tsx file)
  2. Add an entry for the field to the LEGEND_CONFIG object in legend.tsx file


Run tests on staging to confirm;

  • Database changes accepted
  • API is working and data is getting posted to the database
  • Map styling is applied and style is appropriate way to visualise the data
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