A series of articles about highly scalable and available hybris systems:
Part 1: [Setup a multi-nodes hybris cluster with centralized session persistence on Redis] (https://github.com/colorzhang/hybris/blob/master/Setup%20a%20multi-nodes%20hybris%20cluster%20with%20centralized%20session%20persistence%20on%20Redis.md)
Part 2: [hybris database scalability with read/write splitting](预研文档/Pre-Study Paper)
Part 3: [hybris database scalability with sharding]
Part 4: Scale your search with SolrCloud
Part 5: [Micro-service and orchestration]
Part 6: [High performance API and Gateway with OpenResty]
Part 7: [Make hybris OCC API asynchronous with Netty] (https://github.com/colorzhang/hybris/blob/master/Make%20hybris%20OCC%20API%20asynchronize%20with%20Netty.md)
Part 8: [Make web pages asynchronous with async servlet]
Part 9: [Caching DTO beans with Spring cache and Redis] (https://github.com/colorzhang/hybris/blob/master/Caching%20DTO%20beans%20with%20Spring%20cache%20and%20Redis.md)