Burger Eater is my first full-stack web app with a front end implemented with HTML/CSS and Handlebars and the backend implemented with Node.js and Express . With this app you can create a new burger which is stored in my database, change the burger from "Fresh" to "To Go" or delete the burger using the "Send Back" button
The demo of the burger eating application can be found here.
Once you've cloned the repository from Github, you must install the dependencies into the project folder
body-parser: ^1.18.2,
express: ^4.16.2,
express-handlebars: ^3.0.0,
method-override: ^2.3.10,
mysql: ^2.15.0
And then run the server locally
node server.js
Now you can open the application on port 8000
- Handlebars - Semantic templates
- Node - Javascript runtime
- Mysql - Database