Yaposib is a python binding to OSI, the Open Solver Interface from COIN-OR. It intends to give access to various solvers through python. Yaposib was created in order to be integrated in pulp-or (http://code.google.com/p/pulp-or).
The official project page has yet to move to coin-or.
The documentation can be built with sphinx from the source. For your convenience, it is also hosted on http://yaposib.readthedocs.org
yaposib depends on
- boost python http://www.boost.org
- coin osi https://projects.coin-or.org/Osi
To build and install this package, just use pip or easy_install. You need gcc and boost::python.
Advanced configuration is possible: see the documentation for that.
Run the executable that comes installed in the package $ yaposib-config
Yaposib uses the unittest package. Adding tests is encouraged: To do so, edit the file yaposib/test/test_yaposib.py. Bugs filed on the bugtracker should result (if possible) in new tests.
Please report them on the github bugtracker.