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Edge extractor

The edge extractor is a remote data extraction agent. The service should be installed on-premise (typically DMZ network) and talk to devices over the local network or via serial protocols.

The service is distributed as a self-contained platform-specific binary.


Each extraction pipeline is built around the concept of the integration process, with input connectors for data extraction from an input device and output connects for data ingestion into the output system.

High level overview :

Edge extractor high level diagram 1

Integration process

Edge extractor high level diagram 2


Input connector

  • Ip camera input connector

Output connector

  • CDF output

Device drivers

Supported camera drivers :

  • Axis - axis
  • Hikvision - hikvision
  • Reolink - reolink
  • File system - fscam
  • Generic URL camera - urlcam
  • Flir Ax8 - flir_ax8
  • Dahua - dahua


  1. Download the latest release from here. In linux you can use wget command to download the binary from CLI. Example : wget Each release contains binaries for Windows , OSX , Linux and docker image (work in progress). Instructions below are for Linux but can be easily adapted for other platforms just by replacing binary name , for example edge-extractor-win-amd64.exe for Windows instead of edge-extractor-linux-amd64 , similarly for OSX.
  2. Make the binary executable chmod +x edge-extractor-linux-amd64 ( only for Linux )
  3. Create config file config.json (see example below) and place it in the same folder as the binary
  4. Run the extractor from cli or install it as a service (see below):
  • ./edge-extractor-linux-amd64 --op run --config.json - run the extractor in command line
  • sudo ./edge-extractor-linux-amd64 --op install - install the extractor as a service . The service will be started automatically after installation and will be started automatically after system reboot. Logs will be written to /var/log/edge-extractor.log file and config file will be located in /etc/edge-extractor/config.json . The service can be uninstalled by running ./edge-extractor-linux-amd64 --op uninstall command. New version of the service can be installed by running ./edge-extractor-linux-amd64 --op update command. The service must be stopped before running update command using command sudo service edge-extractor stop .


The service is using 2 types of configurations :

  1. Static - loaded durign service startup .
  2. Dynamic - loaded from remote endpoint (CDF) during service startup and periodically updated. Supported remote sources : CDF Extraction pipelines configs.

Static configuration

Static configuration is loaded from local config file (JSON) and contains information about CDF project , CDF cluster , CDF dataset , CDF authentication , etc.

Parameter ENV_VAR Description Example
ExtractorID EDGE_EXT_EXTRACTOR_ID Unique ID of the extractor edge-extractor-dev-1
ProjectName EDGE_EXT_CDF_PROJECT_NAME Name of the CDF project my-project
CdfCluster EDGE_EXT_CDF_CLUSTER Name of the CDF cluster westeurope-1
AdTenantId EDGE_EXT_AD_TENANT_ID Azure AD tenant ID example-tenant-4b07-a4f8-0841557a570c
AuthTokenUrl EDGE_EXT_AD_AUTH_TOKEN_URL Azure AD token endpoint URL
ClientID EDGE_EXT_AD_CLIENT_ID Azure AD client ID example-3d72-4b07-a4f8-0841557a570c
Secret EDGE_EXT_AD_SECRET Azure AD client secret example-secret
Scopes EDGE_EX_AD_SCOPES Azure AD scopes
CdfDatasetID EDGE_EXT_CDF_DATASET_ID CDF dataset ID 866030833773755
EnabledIntegrations EDGE_EXT_ENABLED_INTEGRATIONS List of enabled integrations ip_cams_to_cdf
LogLevel EDGE_EXT_LOG_LEVEL Log level debug
IsEncrypted EDGE_EXT_IS_ENCRYPTED Is config encrypted (true/false) false
Secrets Map of secrets {"cdf_client_secret":"_encrypted_secret_"}
Integrations Collection of integration specific configurations {"ip_cams_to_cdf":{...}}



The process connects to each IP camera , fetches images using camera specific API and uploads images to CDF Files and optionally links them to camera asset. The processes supports parallel data retrieval from multiple devices.

Cameras configurations :

Parameter Description Example
Name Name of the camera camera-1
Id ID of Asset that repsents camera . All images are linked to that Asset if configured 403447394704254
Model Camera model (from the list of supported camera drivers) axis
Address Camera endpoint URI , rtsp:// , ./imgdump
PollingInterval Polling interval in seconds 10
Username Username admin
Password Password. It can be either plain text value of key that must exist in Secrets section of config or ENV variable. admin
State State of the camera (enabled/disabled) enabled
LinkedAssetID ID of Asset that repsents camera (OPTIONAL) . All images are linked to that Asset if configured 403447394704254

DisableRunReporting :
Disables Extraction Pipeline Run reporting to CDF , default value false

Service CLI parameters

--op - operation , supported operations :

  • run - rund the service in command line
  • install - installs the service as windows , osx or linux service
  • update - updates the service binary. The service must be stopped before running this command.
  • uninstall - uninstalls the service
  • gen_config - generates default config
  • encrypt_config - encrypts all Secret and password field in config file
  • encrypt_secret - encrypts secret provided as secret CLI parameter and outputs encrypted value to stdout

--config <path_to_config_file> - must be used to change default location of config file --bconfig <base64_encoded_string> - base64 encoded config that can be passed to the application during startup

Examples :

./edge-extractor --run --bconfig ewogICAgIlByb2plY3ROYW1lIjogIm1haW5zdHJlYW0tZGV2IiwKIC

./edge-extractor --install --bconfig ewogICAgIlByb2plY3ROYW1lIjogIm1haW5zdHJlYW0tZGV2IiwKIC

./edge-extractor --op run --config config_test.json

./edge-extractor --op install --config config_test.json

./edge-extractor --op uninstall

./edge-extractor --op gen_config

./edge-extractor --op encrypt_config

./edge-extractor --op encrypt_secret --secret my_secret

Registering application as Windows service

  1. Create folder C:\Cognite\EdgeExtractor
  2. Upload edge-extractor to the folder
  3. Open Command Prompt and run command cd C:\Cognite\EdgeExtractor
  4. Register edge-extractor as Windows service by running the command - edge-extractor-win-amd64.exe --op install or edge-extractor-win-amd64.exe --op install --bconfig ewogICAgIlByb2plY3ROYW1lIjogIm1haW5zdHJlYW0tZGV2IiwKIC

Config file

Minimal local config for remotely configured cameras.

Content of config.json file :

   "ProjectName": "_cdf_project_name_",
   "CdfCluster": "_cdf_cluster_name_",
   "AdTenantId": "_azure_ad_tenant_id_",
   "AuthTokenUrl": "",
   "ClientID": "_service_principal_client_id_",
   "Secret": "cdf_client_secret",
   "Scopes": [
   "CdfDatasetID": 2626756768281823,
   "ExtractorID": "edge-extractor-1",
   "RemoteConfigSource": "ext_pipeline_config",
   "ConfigReloadInterval": 0,
   "EnabledIntegrations": [
   "LogLevel": "debug",
   "LogDir": "-",
   "IsEncrypted": true,
   "Secrets": {
     "cdf_client_secret": "_encrypted_secret_",

Content of remote configuration (CDF extraction pipeline config) :

     "ip_cams_to_cdf": {
       "Cameras": [
           "ID": 1,
           "Name": "Camera 1",
           "Model": "fscam",
           "Address": "./test/data/imgdump",
           "Username": "root",
           "Password": "camera_1_password",
           "Mode": "camera",
           "PollingInterval": 15,
           "State": "enabled"
           "ID": 2,
           "Name": "URL virtual camera",
           "Model": "urlcam",
           "Address": "",
           "Username": "",
           "Password": "",
           "Mode": "camera",
           "PollingInterval": 15,
           "State": "disabled"

Local config with locally configured cameras.

   "ProjectName": "_cdf_project_name_",
   "CdfCluster": "_cdf_cluster_name_",
   "AdTenantId": "_azure_ad_tenant_id_",
   "AuthTokenUrl": "",
   "ClientID": "_service_principal_client_id_",
   "Secret": "cdf_client_secret", 
   "Scopes": [
   "CdfDatasetID": 2626756768281823,
   "ExtractorID": "edge-extractor-1",
   "RemoteConfigSource": "local",
   "ConfigReloadInterval": 0,
   "EnabledIntegrations": [
   "LogLevel": "debug",
   "LogDir": "-",
   "IsEncrypted": true,
    "ip_cams_to_cdf": {
      "Cameras": [
          "ID": 1,
          "Name": "Camera 1",
          "Model": "fscam",
          "Address": "./test/data/imgdump",
          "Username": "root",
          "Password": "camera_1_password",
          "Mode": "camera",
          "PollingInterval": 15,
          "State": "enabled"
          "ID": 2,
          "Name": "URL virtual camera",
          "Model": "urlcam",
          "Address": "",
          "Username": "",
          "Password": "",
          "Mode": "camera",
          "PollingInterval": 15,
          "State": "disabled"
   "Secrets": {
     "cdf_client_secret": "_encrypted_secret_",

Secret management

The service support 3 ways of storing secrets :

  • In plain text in config file
  • In encrypted form in config file (In this case IsEncrypted parameter must be set to true and Secrets section must be present in config file)
  • In environment variables

Encryption and decryption is done using AES-256 algorithm with 32 bytes long key. The key is set during build time but can be changed by setting EDGE_EXT_SECRET_KEY environment variable.

The service also can fetch secrets from environment variables. The name of the environment variable must match the name of the secret in config file. Example : a secret can be set as environment variable CDF_CLIENT_SECRET and the service will fetch the value from environment variable , in config file it should be referenced "Secret": "cdf_client_secret" or "Password": "NAME_OF_ENV_VAR_THAT_STORES_SECRET"

The service provides convenient way to encrypt all secrets in config file using CLI command edge-extractor --op encrypt_config. The command will generate new config file with encrypted secrets and save it to config_encrypted.json file.

Another command can be used to encrypt one secret edge-extractor --op encrypt_secret --secret <secret_value> and output encrypted value to stdout.

Extractor monitoring and remote configuration

The extractor can be monitored remotely via CDF extraction pipelines. Exraction pipelines must be created in CDF upfront (via CDF Fusion or using SDK) and extractor pipeline ExternalID must match ExtractorID in config above.

Remote configuration using CDF Fusion UI :

Remote config

Remote monitoring using CDF Fusion UI :

Remote monitoring

More information about CDF extraction pipelines can be found here