The aim of this project is to help users set up a LoRa network easily. The User Guide can be get from our Web.
This project currently provides support for the below platforms.
- RAK831
- RAK2245
- RAK2247(USB/SPI)
- RAK7243
2019-12-17 V4.1.1
- Added support for rak2247/rak833 spi version.
- Fix a bug. There is a mistake word "diable" in rak/gateway-config script, line 272, it should be do_ChirpStack disable.
2019-11-19 V4.1.0
- 1.LoRaServer changed its name to ChirpStack.
- 2.ChirpStack turns off ADR by default.
- 3.Unconfigure the ip of eth0 to
- 4.Users can change the gateway_id in local_conf.json.
- 5.Increase i2c rate for rak7243.
- 6.Install chirpstack only on Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4. Pi zero can't run ChirpStack.
- 7.In the AP mode, the gateway IP address is
2019-09-19 V4.0.0
- Use lan0's mac address when eth0 does not exist.
2019-05-24 V2.9
- 1.Multiple models are integrated with one common version.
- 2.Upgrade LoRa server to 3.0.
step1 : Download and install Raspbian Stretch or Buster LITE
step2 : Use "sudo raspi-config" command, enable spi and i2c interface.
step3 : Clone the installer and start the installation.
$ sudo apt update; sudo apt install git -y
$ git clone ~/rak_common_for_gateway
$ cd ~/rak_common_for_gateway
$ sudo ./
step4 : Next you will see some messages as follow. Please select the corresponding hardware model.
Please select your gateway model:
* 1.RAK831
* 2.RAK2245
* 3.RAK7243
* 4.RAK833(USB)
* 5.RAK2247(USB)
* 6.RAK2247(SPI)
* 7.RAK833(SPI)
Please enter 1-7 to select the model:
step5 : Wait a moment and the installation is complete.If your gateway uses a wired connection, please reconfigure the LAN's IP address using "sudo gateway-config" after the installation is complete.
step6 : For more other features, please use "sudo gateway-config".
For DietPi OS need add apt install build-essential net-tools -y in rak/ (for example before apt install git ppp dialog jq minicom monit -y) and need check hciuart enabled because systemctl disable hciuart not installed and script fail.