This demo will deploy NGINX Plus or NGINX OSS in a Volterra VoltStack via K8S manifest
From VoltConsole, you need to create and download your Kubeconfig file. Check out the Volterra documentation for instructions:
Once you've downloaded your Kubeconfig file, set the KUBECONFIG
environment variable to point to this file:
export KUBECONFIG=ves_<your-namespace>_<your-vk8s>.yaml
You will need to create a DockerHub PAT for this step
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server= --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
Volterra uses VoltStack to create a virtual K8S cluster across all specified virtual sites. In this demo we will use kubectl to deploy out NGINX Plus instance from a private registry.
Note: You will need to change the .spec.template.spec.containers.image
to point to your private DockerHub registry and application.
kubectl apply -f customer_edge/nginx_plus_manifest.yaml
If you are deploying in the Regional Edge there are some restrictions that require us to deploy NGINX in an unprivileged mode:
kubectl apply -f regional_edge/nginx_plus_manifest.yaml
podman build -t nginx-demo .