Heya if you're looking for the documentation for this bad boy, there probably is none. THE SDK Documentation is here though!
Theres almost nothing done yet! Come back later.
Heres some cool flowcharts, used for reference and will probably change alot. There are some subroutines that aren't flowcharted, and simply shown as processes, but we might show them. This is more of a documentation of the processes and ideas used while making the actual program. I promise I'll put real documentation here about operation later.
Some considerations to be made. This flowchart was made with the idea that the robot starts in the build site, in the corner of the field. However if one were to not grab the build foundation by the side closest to the alliance wall, but instead of that being the side closest to the skybridge, the optimal starting position would be against the alliance wall closest to the skybridge. See illustration below.
As such, if paired with a swerve/mecanum/omni or any other sufficiently manueverable drive system, one should be able to face in the orientation of the build site and drive 90 right (or left) of the front facing vector, then drive back to the alliance wall to put it into the build zone, in little to no time.