This template has been generated using the aws-nodejs-typescript
template from the Serverless framework.
Some personal modifications are:
- Use docker to build a local development environment(HTTP server, DynamodDB, Dynamodb admin UI)
- Use
to implement unit test - Use
data to implement example API endpoints
The project codebase is mainly located within the src
This folder is divided in:
--- Containing code base and configuration for your lambda functions and apislibs
--- Containing utility shared code base between your lambdasrepositories
--- Containing DynamoDB repositories code base
├── docker\
│ └── dynamodb # Dynamodb mounted data folder\
├── migrations # Migration folder\
│ └── movies # `Movie` migration folder\
│ ├── index.ts # `Movie` migration script\
│ └── movies.json # `Movie` migration data\
├── src\
│ ├── functions # Lambdas and api configuration\
│ │ └── movies # `Move` manager folder\
│ │ ├── index.ts # `Move` lambda function configuration\
│ │ ├── movie.controller.spec.ts # `Movie` controller spec\
│ │ ├── movie.controller.ts # `Movie` controller\
│ │ ├── movie.router.ts # `Movie` api router\
│ │ ├── movie.service.ts # `Movie` service\
│ │ └── # `Movie` service spec\
│ ├── libs # Shared utility folder\
│ │ ├── api-gateway.spec.ts # Api Gateway utility spec\
│ │ ├── api-gateway.ts # Api Gateway utility\
│ │ ├── app.error.ts # Application error class\
│ │ ├── ddb-doc.spec.ts # DynamoDB document client spec\
│ │ ├── ddb-doc.ts # DynamoDB document client utility\
│ │ ├── handler-resolver.spec.ts # Lambda function handler path resolver spec\
│ │ ├── handler-resolver.ts # Lambda function handler path resolver\
│ │ ├── helpers.spec.ts # Helper spec\
│ │ └── helpers.ts # Helper functions\
│ └── repositories # Repositories folder\
│ ├── base.repository.spec.ts # Base repository spec\
│ ├── base.repository.ts # Base repository\
│ └── movie.repository.ts # Movie repository\
├── Dockerfile # NodeJS environment dockerfile\
├── api.http # Http request examples\
├── docker-compose.yml # Application service docker compose file\
├── http-client.env.json # Variable for `api.http`\
├── jest.config.js # Jest configurations\
├── nodemon.json # Nodemon configuration\
├── package-lock.json # Package lock file\
├── package.json # Project package.json file\
├── serverless.template.yml # Serverless template definition\
├── serverless.ts # Serverless configurations\
├── # Typescript configurations for bulding\
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configurations for testing and IDE features\
└── tsconfig.paths.json # Typescript paths configuration
- @serverless/typescript --- Typescript definitions for Serverless
service file. - @types/aws-lambda --- Typescript type definitions for AWS Lambda
- @types/jest --- Typescript type definitions for Jest
- @types/node --- TypeScript definitions for Node.js
- aws-sdk --- AWS SDK for JavaScript
- esbuild --- Javascript/Typescript bundler
- eslint --- Javascript linter tool
- eslint-config-airbnb-base --- Airbnb's base JS ESLint config
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin --- TypeScript plugin for ESLint
- @typescript-eslint/parser --- ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
- jest --- Testing tool
- ts-jest - Jest Typescript transformer
- ts-node --- TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
- tsconfig-paths --- Load node modules according to tsconfig paths, in run-time or via API.
- typescript --- TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
- Run
npm install
to install the project dependencies - Run
npm run deploy
to deploy the project stack to AWS
Make sure your docker service is already started and docker-compose is available.
Run the following command:
docker-compose up
If you can see something like Server ready: <> 🚀
this means the local service is ready.
In another terminal window, let's run the migration command:
npm run migrate:movies
Now you can try all APIs that are defined in api.http
, example:
curl ''
It will return a list of movies in 2002.
- Run
npm run test
to run all unit test - Run
npm run test:coverage
to run the test and generate a coverage report
You can clone this project from Github and modifie it.
Or you can use serverless
command to create a new project with the custom template:
serverless create \
--template-url \
--path myService