Requires Go version 1.21.x (1.21.13 or higher) - download for your development environment here.
This repository uses Go modules.
The targets in the toolchain-e2e repository can be used to build and deploy the host and member operators for development, or follow the guide -
The releases of the operator are automatically managed via GitHub Actions workflow defined in this repository.
If there is any broken release that cannot be built & pushed through the pipeline - for example because of this error:
Invalid bundle toolchain-member-operator.v0.0.204-commit-a765b6a, bundle specifies a non-existent replacement toolchain-member-operator.v0.0.203-commit-d24cbac
then the release has to be fixed manually. In such a case, please follow these steps:
Log in to using an account that has the write permissions in repo.
Checkout to the problematic (missing) commit that failed in the pipeline and that has to be manually released.
make podman-push QUAY_NAMESPACE=codeready-toolchain
make push-to-quay-staging QUAY_NAMESPACE=codeready-toolchain
E2E tests are not located in this repository - all e2e tests are in the toolchain-e2e repo, however, it’s still possible to run them locally from this repo - see Running End-to-End Tests.
When there is a change introduced in this repository that should be either covered by e2e tests or requires changes in the already existing tests, then all needed changes should go into the toolchain-e2e repo. The logic that executes tests in openshift-ci automatically tries to pair any PR opened for this (member-operator) repository with a branch that potentially exists in the developer’s fork of the toolchain-e2e repo. This pairing is based on the current branch name.
For example, if a developer with a GH account cooljohn
opens a PR (for member-operator repo) from a branch fix-reconcile
, then the logic checks if there is a branch named fix-reconcile
also in the cooljohn/toolchain-e2e
If there is a match, then the logic:
clones the latest changes from codeready-toolchain/toolchain-e2e
fetches the
branch fromcooljohn/toolchain-e2e
fork -
merges the
branch with the changes fromfix-reconcile
branch -
clones the latest changes from host-operator repo, then builds and deploys the
image out of it -
builds & deploys the
image from the code that is in the PR -
runs the e2e tests against both operators from the merged branch of the
If the branch with the same name does not exist, then it only clones the latest changes from toolchain-e2e and runs e2e tests from the master
If you still don’t know what to do with e2e tests in some use-cases, go to What to do section where all use-cases are covered.
Although the e2e tests are in the separated repository, it’s still possible to run them from this repo (member-operator) and also against the current code that is the local repository (directory). There are two Makefile targets that will execute the e2e tests:
make test-e2e
- this target clones latest changes from toolchain-e2e and runs e2e tests for both operators from the master. As deployment formember-operator
it uses the current code that is in the local repository. -
make test-e2e-local
- this target doesn’t clone anything, but it runs run e2e tests for both operators from the directory../toolchain-e2e
. As deployment formember-operator
it uses the current code that is in the local repository.
The tests executed within toolchain-e2e repo will take care of creating all needed namespaces with random names (or see below for enforcing some specific namespace names). It will also create all required CRDs, role and role bindings for the service accounts, build the images for both operators and push them to the image registry. Finally, it will deploy the operators and run the tests.
NOTE: you can override the default namespace names where the end-to-end tests are going to be executed - eg.: `make test-e2e HOST_NS=my-host MEMBER_NS=my-member` file.
If you are still confused by the e2e location, execution and branch pairing, see the following cases and needed steps:
Working locally:
Need to test your code using the latest version of e2e tests from toolchain-e2e repo:
make test-e2e
Need to test your code using e2e tests located in
make test-e2e-local
Creating a PR:
Your PR doesn’t need any changes in toolchain-e2e repo:
check the name of a branch you are going to create a PR for
make sure that your fork of toolchain-e2e repo doesn’t contain branch with the same name
create a PR
Your PR requires changes in toolchain-e2e repo:
check the name of a branch you are going to create a PR for
create a branch with the same name within your fork of toolchain-e2e repo and put all necessary changes there
push all changes into both forks of the repositories toolchain-e2e and member-operator
create a PR for member-operator
create a PR for toolchain-e2e