SANDBOX-686 Upgrade golang, kubernetes dependencies #9
on: pull_request
Verify Dependencies
2m 11s
10 errors
Verify Dependencies
not enough arguments in call to restmapper.NewShortcutExpander
Verify Dependencies
not enough arguments in call to restmapper.NewShortcutExpander
Verify Dependencies
cannot use doc (variable of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in argument to swagger.FromGnostic
Verify Dependencies
cannot use &CachedOpenAPIGetter{} (value of type *CachedOpenAPIGetter) as discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface value in variable declaration: *CachedOpenAPIGetter does not implement discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface (wrong type for method OpenAPISchema)
Verify Dependencies
cannot use g.openAPIClient.OpenAPISchema() (value of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in assignment
Verify Dependencies
cannot use oapi (variable of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in argument to NewOpenAPIData
Verify Dependencies
cannot use doc (variable of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in argument to proto.NewOpenAPIData
Verify Dependencies
cannot use doc (variable of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in argument to swagger.FromGnostic
Verify Dependencies
cannot use &CachedOpenAPIGetter{} (value of type *CachedOpenAPIGetter) as discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface value in variable declaration: *CachedOpenAPIGetter does not implement discovery.OpenAPISchemaInterface (wrong type for method OpenAPISchema)
Verify Dependencies
cannot use g.openAPIClient.OpenAPISchema() (value of type *"".Document) as *"".Document value in assignment