npm i agile-css@latest --save-dev
With yarn
yarn add agile-css@latest -D
Agile Css Autocomplete extentions
import { defineConfig, pfs, pixelToRem, rtl, validator } from "agile-css";
export default defineConfig({
input: ["./src/**/*.jsx", "./src/**/*.js", "./src/**/*.tsx"],
output: "./src/agile-css.css",
defaultCss: `
body {
font-size: 14px;
cache: true,
plugins: [pixelToRem(62.5), rtl(), pfs(), testplugin2()],
customValue(value) {
return value;
breakpoints: {
sm: "768px",
md: "992px",
lg: "1200px",
custom: {
"color-primary": "var(--color-primary)",
"color-secondary": "var(--color-secondary)",
"color-tertiary": "var(--color-tertiary)",
"color-quaternary": "var(--color-quaternary)",
function testplugin2() {
return ({ addBase }) => {
addBase(`.testttttttttt { color: red }`);
-p: Port
-w: Watch
-c: Config
"scripts": {
// production
"prebuild": "agile-css",
// development
"agile-css": "agile-css -w",
// OR
"agile-css-port": "agile-css -p 1234 -w",
- You can also use a custom config file instead of
. Just create<FILE_NAME>.config.ts
to build command
Exp: awesome.config.ts
"scripts": {
// production
"prebuild": "agile-css -c awesome",
// development
"agile-css": "agile-css -w -c awesome",
// OR
"agile-css-port": "agile-css -p 1234 -w -c awesome",
npm run agile-css
<property>:<value>|<pseudo>|<pseudo><important -> "!">...@<media>
Class Name CSS
c:red -> .c\:red { color: red }
bgc:blue! -> .bgc\:blue\! { background-color: blue !important }
bd:1px_solid_yellow -> .bd\:1px_solid_yellow { border: 1px solid yellow }
p:30px@md -> @media (min-width:992px) { .p\:30px\@md { padding: 30px }
m:20px@+300px -> @media (max-width:300px) { .m\:20px\@\+300px { margin: 20px } }
fz:20px|h -> .fz\:20px\|h:hover { font-size: 20px }
cnt:(After_cnt)||af -> .cnt\:\(After_cnt\)\|\|af::after { content: 'After ctn' }
cnt:(Before_cnt)|be -> .cnt\:\(Before_cnt\)\|be:before { content: 'Before ctn' }
cnt:(Hover)|h||be -> .cnt\:\(Hover\)\|be:hover:before { content: 'Hover' }
trf:scale(2) -> .trf/:scale\(2\) { transform: scale(2) }
m:calc(20px_+_10px) -> .m\:calc\(20px_+_10px\) { margin: calc(20px + 10px) }
<div class="c:red c:blue|h bgc:color-primary fz:20px ml:10px w:30%@md p:30px@md m:20px@+300px pos:relative!"></div>
.c\:red { color: red }
.c\:blue\|h:hover { color: blue }
.bgc\:color-primary { background-color: var(--color-primary) }
.fz\:20px { font-size: 20px }
.ml\:10px { margin-left: 10px }
[dir="rtl"] .ml\:10px { margin-right: 10px }
.pos\:relative\! { position: relative !important }
@media (max-width:300px) {
.m\:20px\@\+300px { margin: 20px } }
@media (min-width:992px) {
.p\:30px\@md { padding: 30px }
.w\:30\%\@md { width: 30% } }