WCA-Regs Compiles regulations and guidelines together to render them on the same searchable page.
The main focus of this website is converting the regulations and guidelines from markdown to json. This is a script that we run manually and it spits the json into ./src/assets/regulationsAndGuidelines.json. This is so that we can easily programatically render the markdown contents of the git submodule. Regulations only really change 1-2 times a year so this just has to be maintained occasionally.
Because this repo includes the wca-regulations as a submodule, we have to clone it differently than normal:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:coder13/wcaregs.git
If you cloned it and forgot to grab the submodule:
git submodule update --init
You then install the node modules:
yarn install
The regulations json will not be included so you must build it to keep with the most up-to-date regs.
yarn regsAndGuides
And then start up the dev server:
yarn start
This project was bootstraped with create-react-app so further help can be found in their docs.
Whenever new regulations are released, clone repo, and do git submodule update --remote
, then commit and push.