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Servlets Integration

Mihail Kuznetsov edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

Integration EverRest framework and servlet container


EverRest framework contains all components required to integrate it with servlet container. You need add following lines in your web.xml:


Context parameter contains full qualified name of sub-class of that should deliver classes or instances of JAX-RS components in EverRest framework.

public class MyApplication extends Application
   public Set<Class<?>> getClasses()
      Set<Class<?>> cls = new HashSet<Class<?>>(1);
      return cls;

   public Set<Object> getSingletons()
      Set<Object> objs = new HashSet<Object>(1);
      objs.add(new MyProvider());
      return objs;

If parameter is not configured in web.xml then EverRest can be set up to scan all components in your web application and register it. The table summarizes context parameter that can be used to manage behavior of EverRest.

Parameter name Default value Description none Full qualified name of sub-class of that should deliver classes or instances JAX-RS components
org.everrest.scan.components false If true then EverRest will look up classes which annotated with @Path, @Provider and @org.everrest.core.Filter annotations and register it. Note: This parameter will be ignored if is set up.
org.everrest.scan.skip.packages org.everrest.core, Packages which should be skipped for scanning. This parameter has sence only if parameter org.everrest.scan.components is true

org.everrest.core.servlet.EverrestInitializedListener initialize components of EverRest framework.

org.everrest.core.servlet.EverrestServlet deliver HTTP request to EverRest.

Example of using EverRest in servlet environment can be found at subversion repository, see project everrest/everrest-samples/book-service. You can simple run it with command: mvn jetty:run. See details how-to try example in README.html in correspond project.

There is special project everrest-project-template-war. This project can help to developer easier to create own wars projects. It can be used as template or dependency for own maven projects. About using as dependency see here for details.