React Native template for a quick start based on our Code Style
- Quick starting via React Native CLI
- Folder structure skeleton with our code-style
- Most usable libriaries included
- Useful npm scripts
npx react-native init MyApp --template
- folder that keeps all phone screens with its components, types, styles, redux connection or services;navigation
- navigation stacks created with screens into application rouringcomponents
- contain components that used on different screens structured with atomic method: atoms - the smallest, molecules - using atoms and custom logic, organisms - using atoms, molecules and custom logicservices
- classes that used on different screens and components, separated into 3 folders: helpers - default functions (date, currency, math, etc), hooks - for state enhancement, store - reduxconstants
- shared variables placed into 1 foldertheme
- shared styles (font sizes, colors, animations, etc)typings
- shared typesassets
- contains icons, fonts, images, animation and other not programmable project resourcdes
- Pre-commit hook
- Storybook
- Feature (Social Media Login)
- CI/CD AppCenter (.env)
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