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CODEMONDAY-live-code-interview (API based)

Live-code interview question for CODEMONDAY's software developer (year 2022).

Question 1 (Node.js/Golang based framework)


Create an API to handle the request which solve the problem as follows.

Framework Requirement

  1. Node.js with Express.js, Nest.js or other framework
  2. Golang with Gin, Echo or other framework

Given: the shopping cart data of many items inside.

Find: Total price amount in each category.

The amount will be calculated by unit_price x quantity
To simplify the problem, there will be only three categories:

  1. sport
  2. beverage
  3. other (anything not in "sport" and "beverage" categories)


Request JSON data to the server running on port 8080

POST http://localhost:8080/checkout

Request Body

        "item": "Nike Air Zoom",
        "category": "sport",
        "unit_price": 3000,
        "quantity": 1
        "item": "Protein Bar Herbalife Deluxe",
        "category": "sport",
        "unit_price": 50,
        "quantity": 10
        "item": "Starbucks Coffee",
        "category": "beverage",
        "unit_price": 500,
        "quantity": 3
        "item": "iPhone 13",
        "category": "electronic",
        "unit_price": 40000,
        "quantity": 1
        "item": "Cleaning alcohol",
        "category": "household",
        "unit_price": 5000,
        "quantity": 1

Expected Output

  "result": {
      "sport": 3500,
      "beverage": 1500,
      "other": 45000

CODEMONDAY-live-code-interview (JavaScript based)

Live-code interview questions for CODEMONDAY's software developer (year 2022).

Question 2 (JS/TS)

Given: Array of number [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

Find: Expect array of number which elements are calculated from the even number of input array times two (เอาค่าใน Array Input ที่เป็นเลขคู่ มาคูณด้วย 2)


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Expected Output

[4, 8, 12]

Question 3 (JS/TS)

Given: Collection of users (array of user object).


(a) Find the name of the user who has maximum age.

(b) Create function to get age by name, e.g., getAgeByName('Boat') or getAgeByName('boat') will get result 26

(c) Transform array and grouping into [{ 25: ['Win', 'Ton'], 33: ['Jeff'], 26: ['Boat']}]


    name: 'Win',
    age: 25
    name: 'Ton',
    age: 25
    name: 'Jeff',
    age: 33
    name: 'Boat',
    age: 26

Expected Output

(a) "Jeff" (name of the user who has maximum age)
(b) getAgeByName('boat') will get 26.
(c) [{ 25: ['Win', 'Ton'], 33: ['Jeff'], 26: ['Boat']}]

Question 4 (React/React Native)

Given: UI image.
Image of React Counter

Find: Make UI for the counter gadget with interaction as in the given image

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Initial state should display 0
  2. When click '+', increment the displayed number by 1
  3. When click '-', decrement the displayed number by 1

Question 5 (JS/TS/Golang)

Given: Any odd number, ex. 1, 7, 35, 99. Find: Create function to print (console) the Cross sign made from * and space character print to console.

Expected Output

Input: num = 3

* *
* *

Input: num = 5

*   *
 * *
 * *
*   *

Input:num = 9

*       *
 *     * 
  *   *  
   * *   
   * *   
  *   *  
 *     * 
*       *

Question 6 (JS/TS)

It is famous that once there is an NPM module which is very easy to implement yet most downloaded so when the author took down the module many sites also went down. by now Node.js has already implemented the padStart function just like in the browser. Still there are many people who keep downloading this.

In real life, we tend not to download NPM modules like this since it will make our repository grow extremely big with too many dependencies.

We would like you to implement this easy function leftPad by yourself to showcase your basic programming skill.

 leftPad('foo', 5)
// => "  foo"
leftPad('foobar', 6)
// => "foobar"
leftPad(1, 2, '0')
// => "01"
leftPad(17, 5, 0)
// => "00017"

leftPad(17, 5, 'X')
// => "XXX17"

Question 7 (Frontend)

Explain how to do you implement this UI card

Question 8 (Frontend)

Implement the simple meal sharing web application (React.js)

Main requirement

  1. Input of total meal billing for e.g. 1,316 THB
  2. Input of number of friend to be shared e.g. 8 people
  3. Output the split bill e.g. 1,316 / 8 = 164.5 THB

Optional Requirement

  1. Please implement the constriant that you consider appropriate
  2. Please implement the UI that you think can implement easily and can show your skill

To save time, you can skip the project setup part by using the following platform and select React.js


Mini exam for CODEMONDAY's developer candidate of 2022






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