This utility can be used to generate a JSON Schema which can be used to validate
Thorntail (wildfly-swarm) YAML
configuration files (eg.: project-defaults.yml
The currently generated schema files can be downloaded from the releases page
- thorntail-schema-2.4.0.json
- thorntail-schema-2.4.0-compact.json
To generate schema files build the project, and run the jar:
$ mvn clean package
$ cd target;
$ java -jar thorntail-json-schema-generator-1.1.1.jar 2.4.0 ~/Developer/thorntail
Thorntail schema generator
version: 2.4.0
output directory: /Users/user/Developer/thorntail/
building schema model...
writing schema files...
... done
The jar file requires at least one parameter, which is the version, the second parameter is the output directory. If omitted, the current directory will be used.
The result thorntail-schema-<version>-compact.json
can be used in IntelliJ IDEA to
validate the configuration file, ot the validation can be done with other command line tools,
like: pajv
pajv -s path/to/thorntail-schema-2.4.0.json -d path/to/project-defaults.yml
The utility also builds a properties
file with the available parameters (with type and documentation).
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.