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Data Models

John Need edited this page Oct 7, 2018 · 4 revisions
Model Field Type Required? Default Value Validation Note
uid string yes Firebase UID
firstName string yes null
lastName string yes null
creditScores {CreditScore} no null hash of credit scores
events {Event} no {} a hash o events
phone string yes 8 digit phone number
email string yes email of user
goals {Goal} no {} goals associated with this user
reminders {Reminder} no {} reminders set by/for user
coachId string yes id of Coach
preferences Object no object of preference settings, i.e. language, theme, etc
lastActivity Date no DateTime of last activity or logon
budget Budget no user's budget
uid string yes Firebase UID
firstName string yes null
lastName string yes null
email string yes
id string yes firebase push ID
description string yes null goal verbage
id string yes firebase push ID
goalId string yes id of Goal
description string yes milestone description
dueDate Date no due date
status boolean null accomplished or failed
id string yes firebase push ID
eventDateTime Date yes
alertDateTime Date yes 24 hours prior to eventTime =< eventTime
description string yes description of reminder
eventId string no id of associated event
id string yes firebase push ID
eventDateTime Date yes
attended boolean yes null
description string yes event type description description of event
templateId string no null id of event Template
goalId string no Goal Associated with this event
milestoneId string no id of accociated milestone
name string
id string yes Generic Event
description string yes descrption of event
id string yes
dateTime Date yes Date and time of credit score check
agency string no Credit Agency .i.e EquiFax
score number yes credit score
Budget reoccuringExpenses {Expense}
onetimeExpenses {Expense}
accounts {Account}
id string firebase push ID
type string
note string
amount number
tags {string}
id string yes
description string
type string yes
beginningBalance number yes
transaction {Transaction} no {}
id string yes
amount yes
debitOrCredit string yes debit
id string yes
name string yes
description string no
id string yes
name string yes
description string no
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