This is a CTF challenge that requires the user to exploit XSS to find the flag. Note that this essentially runs user provided code in NodeJS and should be treated with caution - running in a container is highly recommended.
docker build -t codecup-codeday/chal-xss:latest .
- Required, the flag the user will find.
- Not Required, the port the app runs on - defaults to 8080
- Not Required, the seed the website will be generated on - defaults to the FLAG env.
# Set Environment Variable(s)
export PORT=8080
export SEED=test
export FLAG=test
# Docker Container
docker run -e PORT -e SEED -e FLAG -p $PORT:$PORT codecup-codeday/chal-xss:latest
# Docker Container w/ Init
docker run -it --init -e PORT -e SEED -e FLAG -p $PORT:$PORT codecup-codeday/chal-xss:latest