There are already a lot of softwares that can be used to perform genome wide association studies (GWAS) and genome prediction (GP) but some of them are not computationally efficient or difficulty to use. The objective of the project is to develop a versatile, efficient and easy-to-use tool for GWAS and GP. Genotype files in VCF format, commonly used in resequencing or TPED format are read in fragment. The efficient mixed-model implemented in GEMMA was improved. The algorithm, average information restricted maximum likelihood (AI-REML) used to estimate variance component was implemented in a more efficient way. Univariate and repeated-measured GWAS and genome prediction of additive and dominant effects can be performed easily.
NOTE: It's recommended to use version >= v0.1.1. They are more precise for analysis involving low rank matrix (detail in ChangeLog).
The program was written in C++ and compiled using gcc 6.4.0 on a 64-bit Linux version. MGP_float_v0.1.3 (based on Eigen) and MGP_float_MKL_v0.1.3 (compiled based on Intel Math Kernel Library by defining EIGEN_USE_MKL_ALL, which is faster than Eigen for large matrix multiplication) are float versions and genotypes are stored as floats. MGP_char_v0.1.0 (with some bugs, will be updated in spare time) is the character version and genotypes are stored as characters, which can save storage space and improve the speed of reading genotype files in GWAS. The float version can use the genotype and dosage information. But the character version can’t use the dosage information which is a float. Although the current version may be not computationally efficient for a trait that was measured repeatedly it is still fast for small sample size and the more efficient algorithm implemented in the new version is being tested.
Starting from version 0.1.2 association analysis can be parallelized by two dimensions, by chromosome (chromosome segment) and by SNPs in one chromosome (chromosome segment). The number of threads used can be controlled by setting the value of the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS (export OMP_NUM_THREADS=N). For example, exploiting 2 cores, you can set OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 and then run the program MGP.
# download MGP_float_v0.1.3
chmod +x MGP_float_v0.1.3
# download
chmod +x MGP_float_MKL_v0.1.3
kin MGP kin [options]
Either complete or chunked genotype files can be used to build additive and dominant relationship. If chunked genotype files are used ‘merge’ command is needed to merge the binary intermediate relationship files. If there are missing genotypes they will be sampled from marginal distribution, randomly. If missing genotypes were imputed by more accurate methods e.g. beagle dosage information can be used. SNPs with minimal allele frequency close to zero will be removed.
--in FILE input file (genotype file).
--part genotype is partial.
--outBin FILE output intermediate binary kinship (--part)
--oKinBin FILE output binary kinship file (no --part)
--oKinTxt FILE output kinship file in text (no --part)
--oGtBin FILE output binary genotype file (necessary for GWAS but not for GS)
--oPos FILE output position file with two columns, chr and pos.
--oFreq FILE output allele frequency product (p*q), in current version this parameter is unuseful.
--gType CHAR genotype or dosage
--kinType CHAR model to calculate genome relationship,add(additive),dom(dominance), by default: add
--addMethod INT method to calculate additive genome relationship (1 or 2). Method 1- formula according to Vanraden, method 2- similar to GCTA
--tped plink format tped file
--rSnp INT number of snps kept in memory,by default: 1000
pheno MGP pheno [options]
For phenotype missing values must be represented by ‘NA’ and the first column must be id or ID. This command will sort the phenotype and keep the orders of IDs in phenotype consistent with that in genotype. It’s not required that number of individuals in phenotype is same to that in phenotype. The program will extract the matched individuals.
--vcf FILE individuals with genotype(vcf file which can just contain the header lines).
--rawPheno FILE input phenotype file.
--id FILE input id pair file with two columns, id in vcf and id in phenotype.
--formatPheno FILE output phenotype file.
--kinBin FILE input binary kinship.
--trimKin FILE output binary kinship after removing closely related individuals.
--rValue FLOAT threshold value used to remove related individuals,range (0,1],by default: 0.9.
--inGbin FILE input binary genotype.
--outGbin FILE output binary genotype after remove related individuals.
--PCA if this parameter was set principal components would be added to final phenotype file
--nPCA INT number of principal components that would be added to final phenotype file,by default: 5
merge MGP merge [options]
--igBin FILE input partitioned binary genotype.
--ikBin FILE input partitioned binary kinship.
--inHeader FILE vcf file or vcf header file
--ogBin FILE output merged binary genotype.
--okBin FILE output merged binary kinship.
--okTxt FILE output merged kinship in text.
mix MGP mix [options]
Perform GWAS and genome prediction/selection (GS). For univariate GWAS three algorithm can be used: EPAI, PAI and EMMA(X). EPAI is efficient mixed model, variance parameters were re-estimated for each SNP. PAI is a variance component method and variance parameters were estimated only one time by computationally efficient AI-REML. EMMA(X) is also a variance component method and variance parameters were estimated by EMMA algorithm and Newton down-hill method.
--phenotype FILE phenotype file
--genotype FILE genotype file(binary),perform GWAS or weighted GS
--iFreq FILE allele frequency file(binary),perform weighted GWAS or weighted GS, not useful for current version
--kinAdd FILE additive relationship file(binary)
--kinDom FILE dominant relationship file(binary)
--out FILE result file(p-value or breeding value)
--GWAS genome wide association study
--GS genome selection
--varMethod STR algorithm to estimate variance parameters(EPAI|PAI|EMMA)
--wError FILE weight of residual variance
--pCol INT column of dependent variable
--covD INT, columns of covariate(discrete),if include multivariate they are delimited by comma, e.g. INT1,INT2,INT3
--covC INT, columns of covariate(consecutive),if include multivariate they are delimited by comma
--randV INT, columns of random effects other than additive or dominant,if include multivariate they are delimited by comma
--knownPar FILE variance parameters file if they are known
--initPar FILE initial values of variance parameters for iterations
--varIter INT the max number of iterations to estimate variance,by default 20
--tol FLOAT convergence criteria,by default 1e-4
--rSnp INT number of SNPs kept in memory at a time(GWAS),by default 1000
--logML output log maximum likelihood of the model when PAI algorithm is used
--logREML output log restricted maximum likelihood of the model when PAI algorithm is used
--NoSe not output standard error of fix and random effects
VCF format or TPED format in Plink.
Include all covariates (discrete or consecutive) and dependent variates. NA is allowed.
Three columns: effects of SNPs, standard error, p value. Orders of SNPs are same to the position file
#Class Effect EffectSe Observe Predict Residual
The program will output information of running which include the information of model and variance component. For example:
Yield = Mean + Rand_add + Rand_Row + Rand_Col + Rand_error
*********** Variance **********
Var: 803.311 849.447 197.807 2995.05
SE: 307.661 397.552 126.464 14.1251
The order of ‘Var’ is consistent with the random effects in model.
Test data and script to run the program can be found in folder v0.1.0. New parameters of MGP were not included in the script but it is easy to appended.
MKL(Intel Math Kernel Library, for program MGP_float_MKL_v0.1.3)
If you find bugs please email me.
Email: (stopped)
Institute: Applied agriculture of BGI
Free for research. For commercial use please contact