KiCad libraries of commonly used parts for keyboard PCBs
- keeb_chips.lib - symbols for specific version of generic parts or other ICs, e.g. 1N4148, PRTR5V0U2x, BSS138
- keeb_connectors.lib - symbols for USB, pin headers, and other connectors
- keeb_lighting.lib - symbols for LEDs and LED drivers
- keeb_mcu.lib - symbols for microcontrollers, controller boards, and other controllers
- keeb_parts.lib - symbols for generic parts, e.g. crystal, diode, capacitor, resistor
- keeb_power.lib - power symbols and symbols for power-related ICs
- Clone the repository to your computer on any folder
- Setup a new KiCad path (
Preferences > Configure Paths
pointing to the directory containing the cloned repository - Import the libraries/symbols into your project
Feel free to add more footprint/symbol libraries via pull requests. I will manually check all changes so it might take some time to get them merged.
- (Type C symbol, footprints, keyboard switch footprints)