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Vim Dotfiles

You've found my Vim dotfiles!

Vim dotfiles are a bunch of personal preferences, so what works for me may not be the best setup for someone else.

There are a few other tweaks in the ~/.vimrc that I've found around the web and tweaked to my liking.


Plugin Key Bind Function
Vim space Leader
Vim F5 Toggle Spellcheck
Vim F6 (in editor buffer) Open terminal new tab
Vim F6 (in terminal insert mode) Enter terminal normal mode
Vim F11 Toggle paste mode
Vim <leader>ml Append vim modeline
Vim <leader>pv Toggle file browser using Lexplore
Vim <leader>sv Reload .vimrc
Vim <leader>t Open terminal at bottom of screen
Vim <leader>T Open terminal in new tab
Vim <leader>p Paste from system clipboard
Vim <leader>y Yank to system clipboard
Vim <leader>w Trim whitespace
Vim <Ctrl>l Toggle search highlight
ALE <leader>af Run ALEFix
ALE <leader>at Toggle ALE
ALE <Ctrl>j Next ALE error
ALE <Ctrl>k Previous ALE error
FZF/VIM <leader>b List buffers in FZF (if installed) or Vim window


I try not to install a bunch of plugins. It makes for an easy transition when I log into a server without my dotfiles.

arcticicestudio - nord-vim

I prefer the Nord colorscheme and haven't found any that I like better yet. There are some overrides in the .vimrc for some things though.

dense-analysis - ale

I'm a big fan of the linting (and fixing) capabilities that ALE offers.

junegunn - fzf.vim

FZF is pretty great. I doubt I'm using it to it's full potential, but really like it so far.


Required for use with FZF

tpope - vim-commentary

This makes commenting and uncommenting code extremely convenient.

tpope - vim-fugitive

Slowly warming up to this one..

I've had it installed for a while but haven't explored what it offers.

I can definitely see how it will be handy and am going to attempt to integrate it into my workflow.

tpope - vim-repeat

I use this all the time to repeat surrounds.

tpope - vim-surround

I use this all the time too. Easy wrapping text with quotes and brackets.


Found this one when reading up on the pass password manager.