The repository for Imperial-BASF research project on multi-scale modelling of molecular crystals.
- Ab initio and quasi-harmonic method for thermodynamics of molecular crystals
- Dispersion and BSSE corrected DFT energy for molecular crystals
- Interfacial therodynamics and crystal growth
Current focus:
- CRYSTAL: A Gaussian orbital periodic DFT code.
- Quantum Espresso: A planar wave periodic DFT code.
- GULP : A classical force field for LD (analytical) and MD (numerical).
- ONETEP: A linear-scaling periodic DFT code based on generalized orthogonal Wannier function orbitals.
- LAMMPS: A classical force field MD solver for large systems.
- GROMACS: A composite MD simulation package.
- QHA-model, Python 3 scripts for quasi-harmonic fittings based on exact phonon frequencies. N.B. Its precursor is thermodynamics script implemented in CRYSTALpytools package, and it is now used for testing ideas. Spica. Vir.
- ONETEP_conv_test, ONETEP convergence testing scripts in bash. See README for details. Spica. Vir.
- Dimer-disp.ipynb, a python3 script displacing a molecule in dimer along any vector. Geometry read from CRYSTAL output. CRYSTALpytools package required. Spica. Vir.
- Surface-Cut, a 'semi-atomic' scheme based on python3 script stacking 2D periodic molecular layers to generate twisted slab surfaces for molecular crystals. Spica. Vir.
-, Convert Quantum-Espresso pw.x output file into cif geometry, or convert a cif file into formatted QE input keyword / card. Spica. Vir.
-, Similar to ''. Used for substracting geometries from pw.x optimisations only. Formatted QE input keyword / card are printed onto the screen. Spica. Vir.
-, Convert Materials Studio xml formatted geometry file (xsd) into QE input keyword / card. Constraints on atomic coordinates are available. Spica. Vir.
- xsf-kit, Read XCrySDen real space 3D grid data in xsf format and perform planar-averaged 1D profile analysis along 3 lattice vectors / get 3D differential data / get planar-averaged 1D differential profile. Also as a practice of free format Fortran. See the comment lins of 'main.f' for instructions. Spica. Vir.
H. Zhou 21 PhD, Dept. Chem., GitHub: Spica-Vir
A. Arber 21 IMSE MRes
K. Tallat-Kelpsa 21 IMSE MRes