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Common classifiers for ttH analysis


cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
mkdir TTH
cd TTH
git clone
source CommonClassifier/setup/
scram b


  • Objects have to fulfill the cuts described here:
  • Loose jets are defined by the same cuts as the standard ak4-jets except for the p_T-cut which is p_T > 20 GeV instead of p_T > 30 GeV. The loose jet collection is inclusive and also contains the standard jets.
  • The BDTs are trained and optimized on odd-numbered Events, to avoid bias they should only be evaluated on even-numbered events (

Running the CommonClassifier industrially

As discussed, we will make a common infrastructure to run the MEM on group-specific ntuples in a common way on either a local cluster or the CMS grid (CRAB3). The following diagram explains the principle:

ntuplization chain:
group ntuple -> CommonClassifier input ntuple -> CommonClassifier on the cluster/grid -> CommonClassifier output ntuple

analysis of ntuples:
|    group-specific ntuple       |
|     via (run, lumi, event)     | -> histograms with BDT, MEM, ...
| CommonClassifier output ntuple | 

Technically, the access of the CommonClassifier output ntuple from the histogramming code can be done using the (run, lumi, event) lookup database at

CommonClassifier input ntuple

In order to run the CommonClassifier using the gridding infractructure, you must export your private ntuples to a TTree with exactly this structure:

long run
long lumi
long event
int systematic //keep track of systematically variated events, according to enum MEMClassifier::Systematics
int hypothesis //MEM hypothesis type (e.g. 0 for SL, 1 for DL etc), set to -1 now if you want the MEM to be calculated, -2 if you don't want the MEM to be calculated (e.g. 2-tag event)
int numcalls //MEM integration points, set to -1 now

int nleps //varying number of leptons
//the following arrays should be of varying length, with buffer sizes of 2 
float lep_pt[nleps]
float lep_eta[nleps]
float lep_phi[nleps]
float lep_mass[nleps]
float lep_charge[nleps]

int njets //varying number of jets
//the following arrays should be of varying length, with buffer sizes of 10
float jet_pt[njets]
float jet_eta[njets]
float jet_phi[njets]
float jet_mass[njets]
float jet_csv[njets]
float jet_cmva[njets] // fill with -1 in case you don't have it
int jet_type[njets] //if jet is resolved, boosted, according to MEMClassifier::JetType enum

int nloose_jets //varying number of loose jets, i.e. jets with 20<pt<30 NOT in jets collection, set to 0 if you don't use loose jets (SL BDT will be incorrect) 
//the following arrays should be of varying length, with buffer sizes of 5
float loose_jet_pt[njets]
float loose_jet_eta[njets]
float loose_jet_phi[njets]
float loose_jet_mass[njets]
float loose_jet_csv[njets]
float loose_jet_cmva[njets] // fill with -1 in case you don't have it

float met_pt
float met_phi

An example tree can be found here:, it's suggested to use this class in order to reduce errors from re-implementing this TTree.

CommonClassifier output ntuple

The structure should be the following

long run
long lumi
long event
int systematic
int hypothesis
double bdt
double mem