Jet energy resolution and corrections with NANAOD and columnar analysis based on Coffea.
Below, change <username>
to your user name, <your_directory>
to your scratch directory.
Log into cmslpc
ssh -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 <username>
Get a voms ticket:
voms proxy init -voms cms
Next set cache directory for singularity, go to that directory, and get the docker container for coffea-dask
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/uscms_data/d2/<your_directory>/singularity/.singularity
cd /uscms_data/d2/<your_directory>/singularity
singularity shell -B ${PWD}:/work /cvmfs/
From within the container, set the jupyter paths and start a server:
export JUPYTER_PATH=/work/.jupyter
export JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR=/work/.local/share/jupyter/runtime
export JUPYTER_DATA_DIR=/work/.local/share/jupyter
export IPYTHONDIR=/work/.ipython
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --notebook-dir /work
Go to localhost to open the jupyter interface.
Open the terminal via "New -> Terminal"
git clone
The example notebook is genL2L3.ipynb.