Repository for Commissioning studies in the BTV POG based on (custom) nanoAOD samples
This framework is based on coffea and using btvnano as input. The framework is also used as frontend for the btv automation task autobtv
This framework is based on coffea processor. Each workflow can be a separate processor file in the workflows
, creating the mapping from PFNano
to the histograms as coffea
file or creating .root
files by saving awkward arrays. Workflow processors can be passed to the
script along with the fileset these should run over. Multiple executors can be chosen
- one by one, futures
- multiprocessing). Scale out to clusters depend on facilities. Obtain the histograms as plot(.pdf
) or save to template .root
file with dedicated scripts
The minimum requirement commands are shown in follow, specified the selections, datataset, campaign and year
python --workflow ttsemilep_sf --json metadata/test_bta_run3.json --campaign Summer22EERun3 --year 2022
- Detailed documentation here
- To running the commissioning task or producing the template: go to Preparation for commissioning/SFs tasks
- To develop new workflow, the instruction can be found in Instruction for developers
- Current working in progress issues
You can install your standalone conda envrionment via yaml
or on the lxplus you can directly jump to setup
suggested to install under bash
For installing Micromamba, see [here]
curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
# Run and follow instructions on screen
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
micromamba activate
NOTE: always make sure that conda, python, and pip point to local micromamba installation (which conda
You can simply create the environment through the existing test_env.yml
under your micromamba environment using micromamba, and activate it
micromamba env create -f test_env.yml
# activate enviroment once you have coffea framework
conda/micromamba activate btv_coffea
conda/micromamba activate /eos/home-m/milee/miniforge3/envs/btv_coffea
# only first time, including submodules
git clone
# Once the environment is set up, compile the python package:
pip install -e .
pip install -e .[dev, doc] # for developer
You can still install additional packages itself by pip install $PACKAGE
conda/micromamba activate btv_coffea
is required to setup