Convolution Calculator calculates the convolution of two discrete data sets. This program runs from the command line and takes three arguments: 2 Input .txt files and 1 Output .txt file. Whatever you name the output text file is the name that will appear in the directory. The data sets need to be structured in columns within the text file with x values in the first column and y values in the second column. Examples test files are stored in the test-data folder. A statement will be printed in the terminal indicating to the user that the convolution was successfully generated.
- Compiled using gcc Version 7.4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.01
- Libraries included:
- stdio.h
- stdlib.h
- An executable is offered for those who do not want to compile the source code themselves
Feel free to clone and use, edit, or distribute at your leisure. I hope people find this program useful and can help those who are writing similar programs. If you would like to make edits to this program, please feel free to make a pull request and update this file with the changes made.