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This is the note for the ZASM development. ZASM is the assembly language used on Zerg. Now Zasm support following parameters when compile source code

Step 1-1

Before implement the ZASM I need to design the ZASM grammar and it would be as simple as it could. In ZASM there are six grammar and few reserved symbol, like as following:

stmt      : ( code | label | define | data | block | include )? [ COMMENT ] NEWLINE
code      : OPCODE    ( operand )*
label     : TOKEN     ':' ( decorator )*
include   : 'include' STRING
define    : 'define'  TOKEN  ( IMM | STRING )
block     : 'block'   buffer [ range ]
data      : 'data'    TOKEN  buffer

operand   : REG | MEM | IMM | reference
decorator : '@' TOKEN [ ':' TOKEN ]
reference : IMM | '&' TOKEN | '$' | '$$'
buffer    : STRING | SIZE reference
range     : IMM | ( ( IMM | reference ) '~' ( IMM | reference ) )

In ZASM each line would be contained a complete statement, comment or empty line, and could be assembled into one specified machine code. This process is call assemble. The coding style in ZASM is opcode destination source style which like the Intel Syntax

  • opcode destination source
  • simple register words, like rax, eip
  • general digital, binary (0b-prefix), octal (0o-prefix) and hexadecimal (0x-prefix)
  • reserved byte, word, dword and qword
  • memory address via [ segment register : base register + index register * scale + immediate]

Reserved Word

ZASM also provides several convenient reserved words for develop quick and smoothly. It is a syntax sugar and reduce the repeat works when design new program via ZASM.

The first reserved word is include which is used to include the external ZASM source file without repeatedly write the same code. ZASM will assemble the another source code when detect the include statement, which means the ZASM will replace the full contains of the external file with this line.

The second used reserved word is define which likes the include but just replace the token. ZASM will replace the token when ZASM detect this statement contains a token already defined in previous statements. The define statement is used when need to define a global variable.

The data and block are similar statements with just few difference. The data is used to define a raw memory contains with naming, and the block statement is used to define a data without naming. When data statement is created, ZASM will keep the data and write into the data segment if possible. But the block statement ZASM will write the data as a raw machine code. With extra parameter the block statement can write more than one time.

Reference Symbol

ZASM provides several useful syntax for the reference address, like $ means the current machine code and $$ is used for current section position. In the label statement we can define a pseudo machine code with label, and other code flow can jump or use via specified reference symbol &.

Decorator Symbol

ZASM may not provide the full functionality for each platform and purpose. The decorator symbol @ is used for these cases. When developer need give some hint or extra functionality on ZASM, he/her can use the decorator with extra parameter. Like @real is used to give the hint for real mode

Step 1-2

The lexer in ZASM is the first part for generating the final machine code. The Zasm::lexer function can separate the source code into several valid tokens. In general the valid tokens, like NEWLINE, IMM, STRING, MEMORY, TOKEN and RESERVED and all are used on Zasm::parser.

The ZASM will reply the current line in lexer stage, the line buffer is saved via the Zasm::parser and reply the valid token. The token NEWLINE means there are no more valid token in ZASM statement, and STRING is a raw memory buffer which may contains escape characters. IMM is the digit number or other kind of binary, octal and/or hexadecimal. MEMORY is a specified memory address used on the ZASM.

Step 1-3

The ZASM supports six statements and would generate the pseudo code in ZasmCode structure. The major statement used in ZASM is the code statement: these statements are assembled to related and specified machine code and machine code also can be reverted to one and only code statement. The code statement contains the only one opcode and at most two operand in this version ZASM. The label statement is a special statement which is used to separate ZASM code statements into several logical blocks. In ZASM both of two are used the code_label_statement to parse the statement generate the final machine code.

In parse stage, ZASM first detect the first token and pass to next parse stage. Choosing one of six possible tier-two parser and run the remainder parser flow. In some statements, like label, block and data need another expression parser. Within the parser stage ZASM also process the decorator and save template machine code in memory. It will be described in Step 1-4.

Step 1-4

In this stage ZASM starts to generate the machine code. Without of the general, ZASM generate machine code only, which is called binary format, and could generate other platform binary like Mach-O and ELF. In state 3 ZASM parse the source code and only three statements are directly related to machine code: code statement, block statement and data block statement. Other statements are used for reference and re-address the existed machine code.

The ZasmCode is used to generate the machine code. It contains the raw unsigned char buffer and other public method that can use to generate the machine code.

In the emit staging ZASM could be generate the final binary for each platform, like raw binary, ELF 64 and Macho-O 64, which is depended on parameter pass to Zasm. Without of the general, Zasm could generate on each platform event not be compiled on related platform. Programmers could specified the platform via the -f parameter when compile the source code.

Operand Detection

In each architecture the operand could be anything. In x86 family the operand can be a register, memory or immediate number. The inner class Operand is used to help and analysis the raw string and get the related meta information for each operand. For example, the memory can be separate into the size, basic register and offset.

Machine Code Emit

The ZASM support x86 machine codes emit via the ZasmCode::emit function and implemented in src/zasm/architecture/x86_64.cpp. In x86 family the machine code is no more than 16 bits and can be separated into five fields: prefix, opcode, mod R/W, displacement and immediate. The prefix is at most four bytes of machine code decorator, it can be described the size and/or extra segment register. The opcode is the main field and each instruction has its own opcode. And more, opcode can has extra 0x0F prefix and means the another opcode. The mod R/W field and extra SIB is the field that help to describe the size of memory operand, like the scale and the shift of memory.

The remainder two filed is used to shift via immediate. The displacement field is used to describe the immediate position of the memory and the immediate is used on immediate in machine code directly.

Emit Memory

When emit the x86-family machine code, the memory-part is the annoying part: it contains so many detail and could be format in other parts. In x86-family the memory contains the size, the segment offset, the based register, the scale and index register and displacement of the memory. It may contains the based register or only displacement, like a directly memory access. Each part would be described by the Mod R/M, one byte to describe the type of memory. And more, the SIB byte is used to describe the extra format of the memory, like the scale and which based and/or index register used.

Emit Displacement

This part of machine code is used to describe the displacement of the memory. Without of the generate this part should be within 1 byte to 4 bytes. But in some extreme case the displacement could be 8-bytes long.

Emit Immediate

In the last x86-family machine code field, the immediate field is used to describe the number of absolute integer in machine code. It can be the digit or the memory address. The ZasmCode::emit implements in the last block and detect the operands is the immediate or the reference. In case of pure immediate number, ZASM generate the related size of immediate number and update the machine code via the inner function set_immediate.

Step 1-5

In the ZASM there are three cases of instructions that need to be re-address: $ for currently address, $$ for the current block section and block & used for the referenced token. All of three cases are be done in the Zasm::dumpfile_bin method. Before dump the machine code, ZASM will check the pseudo machine code need to be re-address or not. When this pseudo code need to be re-address the ZASM first check the symbol and calculate the value need to use. Calling the function set_immediate with extra reset parameter the ZASM will overwrite the undetermined value, usually the immediate number, and set the code determined.

When calculating the new address, the ZASM need decide the new address is absolute or related. In case of related address, the new address is calculated via the symbol absolute location of symbol and more subtract the current length of machine code. In the case of absolute symbol, the ZASM need calculated the symbol of address and extra based virtual address.

reference address

The ZASM supports $ and $$ which are used to related address, like current address and current section address. In ZASM the parse time, it would translate to the related address and set as related immediate number.

Step 1-6

The extra part of ZASM is the decorator: it is used to give extra information about the next machine code, like the architecture, virtual address and other. The decorators are transitive and would be overridden with new decorator,


The assembler for the Zerg






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