A Relativistic module for the Multipoles of 2-point Correlation functions (version 1)
This is a flexible and easy-to-use Python class to compute the relativistic multipoles of the 2PCF and power spectrum.
It includes all non-vanishing multipoles and no inputs are needed.
To set the fiducial cosmology, directly alter the main .py
To use MultiCorr you will need to put the main MultiCorr.py
file in the folder you are working in.
import MultiCorr as corrfunc
cf = corrfunc.MultiCorr()
This returns all 4 non-vanishing multipoles, where args
can be either a list or an array:
args = ['linear',s_alpha,s_beta]
(s = magnification biases)
args = ['linear']
to select linear or non-linear correlation functions.
MultiCorr depends upon numpy
, scipy
, and the python wrapper for the Boltzmann solver Class
Primordial non-Gaussianities are not currently implemented.
This feature will be available with version v2
You can use and alter the code freely.
Just kindly cite this webpage: https://github.com/cmguandalin/MultiCorr