Google Book Search is a React application that allows users to search for books, getting back the books information and allows them to save selected books to their saved books list. React componenets are built using classes and state is set for each book on both the search books page and the saved books page. This application uses the google books api and utilizes axios to make backend api requests. Express is used for backend functionality and creating the server. MongoDB handles user account information and allows users to store books to the database.
This application was configured for and deployed to Heroku at:
React: Used to dynamically render components on browser and initiate functionality of the game based on user inputs.
MongoDB: MongoDB is an object-oriented, simple, dynamic, and scalable NoSQL database. It is based on the NoSQL document store model. MongoBD in this application is used as the main data store for product and user information.
Morgan: Request logger middleware for Node.js that easily logs requests, errors, and more to the console. It’s easy to use, but still powerful and customizable.
Express-session: Express. js uses a cookie to store a session id (with an encryption signature) in the user's browser and then, on subsequent requests, uses the value of that cookie to retrieve session information stored on the server. Express-session reads and writes cookies directly on the req/res.
Mongoose: Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node. js. It manages relationships between data, provides schema validation, and is used to translate between objects in code and the representation of those objects in MongoDB
Express.js: Express. js is a Node. js web application server framework, designed for building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. Used in this application to set middle ware for end point connection between the front end and backend.
Node.js: Used for package managment and to execute JavaScript code to build the command line tool for server-side scripting.
Git: Version control system to track changes to source code.
GitHub: Hosts repository that can be deployed to GitHub Pages.
The folowing code snippet handles the data response from the api request made to google books thought our API.getBooks(). During the mounting lifecycle the api request is made and we map the response setting its within our react card component that is then genereated on the page during the render lifecyle.
{this.state.books.length ? (
{ => (
<Card key={book.title}
style={{ width: '100%', margin: '10px'}}
<Col className="col-3">
className="ml-5 pl-5 pt-5"
style={{width: "45%"}}
<Col className="col-9">
onClick={() => this.deleteBook(book._id)}>
<Button className="float-right mr-2" href={}>View</Button>
<Card.Text ><strong>{book.title}</strong></Card.Text>
<Card.Text >Written By: <strong>{book.authors}</strong></Card.Text>
<Card.Text >{book.description}</Card.Text>
) : (
<h3>No Results to Display</h3>
Kevin Chengyu Ko
Chris Melby
Casey Moldavon
Yali Miranda
Rachel Yeung
Andres Jimenez