This template will deploy a new Check Point security gateway into a new VPC environment. It uses a forked version of the official Checkpoint VPC Template that has been updated to work with our newly deployed VPC.
The deployment will create the following resources:
- 5 Subnets [Management, External, Internal, Application, Database]
- Public Gateway
- Check Point security gateway
- An application and database server
- Check Point knowledgebase article for IBM Cloud VPC deployments SK170400.
- Check Point Full Deployment Guide
:cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
to match your environment.Name Description Required ibmcloud_api_key IBM Cloud API Key Y vpc_name Name of the VPC to create Y ssh_key Name of an existing SSH key to inject in to the VPC instances. command: ibmcloud is keys
Y region Region where the VPC Resources will be deployed. command: ibmcloud is regions
Y resource_group The resource group that will be used when provisioning resources. command: ibmcloud resource groups
Y -
Plan deployment:
terraform init terraform plan -out default.tfplan
Apply deployment:
terraform apply default.tfplan