An Android application to practice English pronunciation.
- Practice English sentences with the mobile voice recognition, and the application will show you which words you have pronounced correctly and which ones you have not.
- Use your mobile's text-to-speech system to find out how the words are pronounced.
- Add your own phrases so you can practice the words you have not yet pronounced correctly.
- See all the exercises you have added, and the history of correct and incorrect attempts for each exercise.
- You can see all the words you have practiced with the results of the exercises. You will be able to know the words that you pronounce worse or better, the words that you have practiced more or less, etc.
- Categorize the exercises with tags, so you can use them as a filter when practicing your pronunciation.
- Import phrases from a TSV text file, directly from the cloud.
- Consult statistics of all the exercises you have practiced.
- JDK 1.8
- Android SDK.
- Android 10 (API 29).
- Latest Android SDK Tools and build tools.
- Android-Debug-Database
- AndroidRate
- EasyPermissions
- Junit
- Koin
- Livedata-Testing
- Material-About-Library
- Mockito
- MPAndroidChart
- Robolectric
- Roomigrant
- RxJava
- SpeechRecognitionView
- Timber
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details