It's the ClippingKK's mobile version that rewrite with react-native
still in progress.
you have to use bundle exec pod install
to install in m1 mac
please change the udid to your device id
emulator -avd Pixel_3a_API_33_arm64-v8a
npm run android
npm run ios -- --no-packager --udid 00008101-00154D013410001E
npm run ios -- --no-packager --udid 00008101-00154D013410001E --configuration ReleaseOS
open XCode and edit the version of clipping, please don't forget update the build number
change target to
Any iOS Device(arm64)
Product -> Archive and wait
window and clickDistribute App
download the upload key(in my google drive maybe)
and updateversionCode
build it
./node_modules/.bin/react-native build-android --mode=release
open android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release
open Google Play Console and upload to a new release