- 🔭 I’m currently working on:
- A hexagonal boilerplate build around Symfony and Next.JS
- 🌱 I’m currently learning:
- 🎨 Tailwdind CSS
- 📱 Swift language
- 💼 Full Stack Developer with expertise in:
- PHP, TypeScript, React, and Symfony
- Technologies: Symfony, Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript
- A starter with all useful tools already setup like authentication, messenger and doctrine
- Symfony monolith: A alternative for my hexagonal boilerplate with FrankenPHP as server
- Learning NestJS (WIP): A Discord bot built with NestJS, Necord (Discord.js module for Nest), and Inngest to handle asynchronous events.
- I started this project to replace the popular bot Mee6 on a friend's server. Mee6 has become chargeable for the few features my friend needs, and with the specifications already defined, it’s a great opportunity to learn a new framework.
- Languages: PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Swift (not really, just learning 😌)
- Frameworks: React, React Native, Symfony, Next.js
- Tools: Docker, Git, Webpack, RabbitMQ
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
- LinkedIn: in/clementvtrd
- Email: contact@clementvtrd.com