This project allows for different kinds of control and montor of external peripherals in OctoPrint, with the help of a Raspberry Pi Pico.
- Control temperature sensors, heaters, fans, LEDs, and more in your 3D printer enclosure.
- Manage GPIO pins through Raspberry Pi Pico for enhanced performance and reliability.
- And More
- Todo: [Provide detailed installation steps for your version, particularly how to set up Raspberry Pi Pico with Raspberry Pi.]
- Compatible with a range hardware
- Supports various output devices including relays, LEDs
Todo: [Include steps on how to configure your version of the plugin, highlighting any new configuration options available with Raspberry Pi Pico.]
Todo: [Offer troubleshooting advice specific to your version, or direct users to a section where they can find help.]
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to fork, modify, and send pull requests or open issues for further improvement.
This project is licensed under GPL-3.0
- Based on the OctoPrint-Enclosure plugin by vitormhenrique.
- [Any other acknowledgments or credits to contributors.]