Easy installer for BeeGFS
Installer only supports CentOS and Ubuntu
curl -L -o beegfs.py http://bit.ly/2n5lDz5; sudo python2 beegfs.py management
curl -L -o beegfs.py http://bit.ly/2n5lDz5; sudo python2 beegfs.py metadata
curl -L -o beegfs.py http://bit.ly/2n5lDz5; sudo python2 beegfs.py storage
curl -L -o beegfs.py http://bit.ly/2n5lDz5; sudo python2 beegfs.py client
You may need to restart the server and run the following command.
sudo service beegfs-client start
curl -L -o beegfs.py http://bit.ly/2n5lDz5; sudo python2 beegfs.py admon