This project explores datasets regarding BAföG (German student grant system). Emphasis is put on the development of the grant rate and average monthly granted sum over time as well as differences between states.
| ...
└─── data
│ │ ...
└─── R
│ │ development.R
│ │ money.R
│ │ helpers.R
└─── website
│ │ ...
The project is divided into three subfolders.
contains the raw BAföG datasets.
consists of all R files handling the statistical analysis of the data, whereby development.R
deals with all analysis regarding the development of the grant rate over time. money.R
conducts calculations concerning financial data, e.g. the development of the average monthly granted sum of money over time. helpers.R
contains functions, which are shared between the other two scripts.
The folder website
contains all files for the project website, which was implemented with Vue.js. It loads static data that was previously generated by the R scripts.
The resulting project website can be found under:
This project was conducted during the winter term of 2019/2020 as part of the master course "Daten - IT - Kommunikation" at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
Concept and Implementation by:
- Alina Burlakov (KIT)
- Clarissa Staudt (FU and TU Berlin)
- Marcus Mikorski (KIT)
- Nina Neser (KIT)
- Sun Mengqiong (KIT)
Distributed under GPLv3 License. See LICENSE for more information.