Check out the project deployed on Heroku here!
- Fork this repository to
and customize the below**
You can find the engineering project outline here.
- The card wall is here:
First, clone this repository. Then:
> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate
> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000
90% or greater test coverage. Unit tests: test one piece of your own logic. fail if that logic breaks. pass if it that logic produces the expected result. You can articulate why any test exists (or does not exist). Every feature is tested from the user's perspective.
Your team co-owns the code. Every member of the team can: explain why any part of the application exists (what user need it solves). explain how any aspect of the application works. Every member of the team has made commits. Every completed ticket has a closed (or merged) Pull Request.
Commit messages are clear and composed of: a single line describing the changes made. a description of the problem it solves, with reference to the user. The Linter passes on all commits. All commits have a low complexity score. All pull requests are peer reviewed.
There is up-to-date documentation: a project description. how to install and run it. how to run tests.