Show what you listen to in all circumstances
- Stay in the foreground
- Starts Spotify if it is not started
- Control Spotify if it is started with dbus (regular account)
- Control Spotify with WebAPI (you need a client_id and a client_secret on developer dashboard with your premium account)
- Show album cover
- Show artist name
- Show album name
- Show music title
- Can skip to the next song
- Can skip to the previous song
- Can play/pause song
- Bring Spotify back to the foreground
- Go to github realease page
- Download appImage
Go to your dashboard here
Click on create app
Click on edit settings and fill redirect URIs
That's it
I don't have time to develop and test on a distribution other than Archlinux. AppImage should be fine for most distribution. If you feel like it, send me pull requests for other platforms.
npm run serve
npm run build
Github Action build electron and push it to realease tab when a tag is encountered.