This is a website written in Vue.js for achievements or trophies hunter to track their games collection
v2.1: Added support for PS5 Games, PS4/PS5 Play Time, Xbox In-Game Stats
- Support Steam, PSN, Xbox and RetroAchievements (other platform coming soon...)
- Allow dual accounts on same platform (PSN and Steam only)
- Multiple good looking interface, you can pick whatever you want
- Single Sign On(SSO) with Google accounts
- Chart and Statistic for your records
- For better performance, only the latest 500 games per platform will be fetched
- For dual profile on same platform having the same game, only primary account will be counted. No merge for achievements/trophies.
- No leaderboard/comparison with other user
- PlayPerfect is using Google Single Sign On(SSO) for user login. Therefore, you only need a Google account to use PlayPerfect. No credential will be store in our side.
- Your game account must be public (at least public for your games and achievements/trophies)
- You may use comma(,) to seperate if you have two accounts
- Click the Refresh Collection button in menu to update your collection after sync is completed if it is not update automatically
You can choose different view for your collection (default is Carousel)
Carousel / Table / Cover Flow
Cover Flow view does not support lazy load, so it will render all cover images of you collection immediately, it could cause performance issue and generate huge network traffic. A warning will be prompted before you enter that mode.
You can also choose different view for achievement (default is Grid)
Grid / Table
Grid For Grid View, You can hover to the achievement icon and it will show the detail and the date earned