Image processing, OCR, exim, and upload tools
Do not add/commit app.cfg or tokens.json into the repository! They hold your private box app details. tokens.json is created for your automatically when you complete the oauth handshake initially. The oauth handshake code is in
A) Install python2.7
python -V
Python 2.7.10
If the above does not print 2.7.something then make sure and use python2.7:
python2.7 -V
Python 2.7.10
B) Install pip2.7 (you may need to prefix with sudo (for which you need admin priviledges to run))
//install pip: sudo yum install python-pip
pip --upgrade pip
C) install packages
you may need to prefix with sudo (for which you need admin priviledges to run)
you can remove the 2.7 if you are working directly with python2.7:
pip2.7 install boxsdk pytesseract Pillow oauth2client httplib2 flask numpy scipy scikit-learn scikit-image python-jose matplotlib
pip2.7 install -U numpy scipy scikit-learn
sudo yum install libffi-devel
sudo pip2.7 install urllib3 pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
sudo yum install tesseract
sudo pip2.7 install --upgrade httplib2 requests exifread imutils
install cv2 for python:
switch to root: sudo -s
Assuming Linux Centos6 throughout
cd opencv-3.1.0
mkdir -p build
cd build
which python2.7
find /opt/rh -name -print
Whatever the output above displays, replace the full path with the full paths to python2.7 in these variables in the cmake command below
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -DBUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON -DINSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/python2.7 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/include/python2.7 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64/ -DPYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/ -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages -DBUILD_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON
make install
yum install numpy opencv*
cp /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
test as normal user:
import cv2
//working if no error
Create a map in json format for each of the folders in box:
"shortname": ["folder_ID", "original filename prefix"]
{ "Lisque": ["7413964473","Lisque Mesa 1"], "Figueroa": ["7413966585","Figueroa Creek"], "Windmill": ["7413968941","Lisque Mesa 1"], "Main": ["7413970457","Main Road Water Hole"], "Bone": ["7413971853","Bone Canyon Water Trough"], "Northeast": ["7413973301","Northeast Corner Spring"], "Vulture": ["7413975069","Vulture Trough"], "Blue": ["7413976713","Blue Schist Water Hole"] }
Next, create your app.cfg file:
6y3m...ACCESS...TOKEN...FROM...BOX 2yca...SECRET...TOKEN...FROM...BOX https://localhost expects this file to be in your local directory when you run it or a calling program (
You'll use these files as argument to the program
The following program
- recursively scans a directory and all of its subdirectories
- finds all *JPG files
- extracts the metadata from the JPG
if your python version (python -V) is 2.7 then you can just use python here:
python2.7 /full/path/to/directory/of/interest sedgwick_map.json meta.csv >& meta.out
meta.csv will be created and will hold details on each file that is processed
meta.out will be created and will hold timings of different operations performed by the program uses the following other python programs:
A) - uploads the files to box
//you can run this program by itself (there is a main routine), separate
//from to learn and test it:
python -h //before you run this, you must set up box first (see (i) below) //Also you must create a directory folder in box, go into //using your browser, create a new fold, open it, note the folder ID //in the URL (directory name just prior to the folder name and /) //EX: has an ID of 5757220117 //replace 5802215677 below with your folder ID python 5802215677 testdir //testdir is a local directory that should hold JPG files and/or directories. //The program walks testdir and uploads the files to box //successful output looks like this //(depending on what you have in testdir, I have directories //and JPG files in different directories. See how the directories are //recursively searched: uploading to folder: test dir: testdir/ processing file: test_1_chandra.JPG processing file: test_1.JPG processing file: test2_foo_1_bar.JPG processing file: test2_foo_1_boo.JPG processing file: test2_foo_1_foo.JPG //if you get an error, make sure you have completed the steps below //next, check the error message to see if you did something wrong //edit and set DEBUG to True and rerun to get more info //make sure and set DEBUG to False before running this on lots of files/production //as it is very verbose! //next, contact Chandra ( about it
(i) setting up box so that you can upload to your own account:
//you only need to do this once; you also can make multiple apps (1 per each machine
//you want to run from)
in browser, goto:
Select Create a Box Application on the right Name it (e.g. box_are1) and select create Scroll down and copy/paste (save off) the client_id and client_secret Put this in the redirect_uri box: https://localhost Under scope, select Read and write all files and folders stored in Box
(ii) Now go back to your machine and in the directory in which is in,<br>
create a file called app.cfg and add 3 lines to it replace client_id and client_secret<br>
with the values you downloaded and saved off in (i) above:<br>
The program reads this file in auth() to authorize use of<br>
your box account by the program.<br>
Save off this file so that you remember which box app it belongs to<br>
<tt>cp app.cfg boxare1.cfg</tt><br>
You will need to update app.cfg when/if you change apps or client id/secrets<br>
(iii) also expects/uses a tokens files in the local directory called<br>
tokens.json (saved in global var TOKENS). The program looks here to see<br>
if there are old tokens it can use. You can delete this file the first time<br>
you run the program or to generate new tokens. If you run the program<br>
and you get the following error:<br>
boxsdk.exception.BoxOAuthException: Message: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid refresh token"} Status: 400 URL: Method: POST
It means that your tokens have expired or are invalid and you need to create new ones. In this case, delete tokens.json and rerun. This will step you through the authorization process which requires manual intervention. You will only need to do this once if you only use this app and these tokens from the same machine. If you move machines and run this elsewhere, you will need to copy over the tokens.json file back and forth. There can only be one tokens.json file in use for a box app at a time.
When you run without a tokens.json file it will give you a URL to navigate to in your browser (manual step): cut/paste this URL and go there with your browser. It will ask you to Grant Access to Box (do so). It will then give you a page that says "Unable to Connect". While on this page, cut/paste these two values from the URL in of the page:
code=... state=box_csrf_token_App...
These are arguments (the payload) of the URL. The URL has a route<br>
Then there is a ? (used as a delimiter)<br>
Followed by key-value pairs separated by & (another delimiter)<br>
E.g: https://localhost/?state=box_csrf_token_yH1sKQq5sL75BEt2&code=q2cmsBoEmie4f5YN6HF6ZcEGuGSAlwtD<br>
keys here are state and code<br>
The = sign is a delimiter between the key and value<br>
So here the value for state is: box_csrf_token_yH1sKQq5sL75BEt2<br>
And the value for code is: q2cmsBoEmie4f5YN6HF6ZcEGuGSAlwtD<br>
The state and code change each time you run the program (oauth handshake) to generate the tokens. When you do this, the first question asks you for the code and the second asks you for the csrf token (state). Cut and paste these and the program uses them to get the access and refresh tokens from box for all future uses. It stores them in tokens.json so that you don't need to go through this step each time. You can though, by just deleting tokens.json and going through all of the above step again. It doesn't hurt to do this repeatedly. You can also press ctrl-C to quit and restart.
Type in the code that appears after "code=" in the URL box in your browser window, and press enter: q2cmsBoEmie4f5YN6HF6ZcEGuGSAlwtD Type in the csrf in the URI: box_csrf_token_yH1sKQq5sL75BEt2
Note that if you take too long to cut/paste the code will expire and you'll have
to do the steps again (iii).
Image processing toolkit, uses opencv (python cv2 -- which is a challenge to install)
you will likely need/use/want matplotlib:
//you can run this program by itself (there is a main routine), separate
//from to learn and test it:
python -h
This program use OCR to crop the JPEGs and extract the temperature from them as text. There are 3 different cameras and each puts the temp in a different place. The argument pictype to distinquishes which of the three it is. See sample_files/README for details and examples
Successful output: python 1 bone14.JPG
temp is: 70, trustworthy_if_false: False
If trustworthy_if_false is True then the OCR failed (see the code).
We perform no training on the data (something we should do if there are errors).
To see if there are errors, see the csv file produced by
gzipped and checked into this directory:
2014run.csv.gz 2015run.csv.gz 2015run.out.gz
The format of the csv file is:
edit and set DEBUG to True and rerun to get more info
make sure and set DEBUG to False before running this on lots of files/production
as it is very verbose!
There are many different image processing operations in this file for reference.
See the sample_images directory and README for using component and test cases.
Additional images can be found there (request access if link doesn't work)
The metadata (all file info) file is in this directory entitled Metadata: Sedgwick Camera Traps.xlsx